"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." James 1:27
When was the last time that you went out to help an orphan or a widow? When did you last engage them in the world they live in? Or did you find some safe haven to minister to them? Did you send them food, clothes or money through some sort of charity? Or did you actually take time to spend one on one time with them?
After reading this verse several times I felt as though I was missing something. I know that for myself that when I think of an orphan I picture a young child without parents. I looked up the definition for orphan though and it also states that it is one that is without protection. I also looked up widow and it comes from a word that means be empty. Now when I look at widow and orphan with these definitions in mind I see another set of people to minister to. How many of you know someone that is empty inside? I was one of them for a great number of years until I came to the Lord. How about one that does not have protection from the enemy? Every day I run into people like this and it grieves my heart that I cannot do more for them. How many people do you run into like this? He calls us to engage them were they are, yet we need to be cautious of this in not becoming who they are. Work is a classic example of this for me. I work in a construction related field and there are guys that are empty and without protection. I love these guys dearly, yet they can make a sailor blush in the language they use and the stories they tell. I am called to minister to them, but not fall into the trap they are in. I do confess that I do get caught up in this from time to time and find my self partaking in the stories and the language. This is were I call for your help in ridding me of the talk that is not of our Heavenly Father. He has removed a great deal of this already, yet I hold on to it for some reason or another. I ask for your prayer as I engage the culture that we are in and I will also pray for you as you become bolder in your faith as you start to minister to the widows and orphans that surround you.
God Bless,
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
So Others May Live.
Have any of you watched the movie “The Guardian”? It is about being a Coast Guard diver and the training and risks they take to save others from death. In the movie they say that they are “fishers of men, so others may live.” For some reason, yesterday I thought about that saying, “so others may live,” which made me, think of a verse from Jude.
Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives. Jude 1:23
Have you ever really thought about that verse and what it means? How do we rescue others from death? Are we like God and loving others? Do we show kindness and compassion to those that are lost? Zach hit this number in yesterday’s sermon. Being a witness is the best answer to these questions. We then need to ask ourselves do we witness or do we let fear take over and shy away from others seeing our true self. Have you thought about what happens if we let fear set in? It is more than just letting others know where you stand. It is more that taking a risk. It is more than just what happens to you. The application study part of my Bible states it best; it is a matter of life and death. Letting God take total control of you and letting the Spirit guide you by following Jesus and being fishers of men is the only way to life. You never know what your kindness or loving someone will actually do. It could be the difference between life and death for the people around you. So think of your obedience to God as something bigger than just you. It is so that others may live.
Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives. Jude 1:23
Have you ever really thought about that verse and what it means? How do we rescue others from death? Are we like God and loving others? Do we show kindness and compassion to those that are lost? Zach hit this number in yesterday’s sermon. Being a witness is the best answer to these questions. We then need to ask ourselves do we witness or do we let fear take over and shy away from others seeing our true self. Have you thought about what happens if we let fear set in? It is more than just letting others know where you stand. It is more that taking a risk. It is more than just what happens to you. The application study part of my Bible states it best; it is a matter of life and death. Letting God take total control of you and letting the Spirit guide you by following Jesus and being fishers of men is the only way to life. You never know what your kindness or loving someone will actually do. It could be the difference between life and death for the people around you. So think of your obedience to God as something bigger than just you. It is so that others may live.
The Spirit Brings Joy :-)
The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3
This year has been quite a year for my family. As you know, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at the beginning of the year. It was quite a shock to hear of something like this happening, to someone sooo close to me. Someone who I love dearly, more than she'll ever know. Through this season, our prayer has been that God would be glorified. After multiple surgeries, being poked at, prodded at, multiple doctors, multiple nurses, giving blood, sitting for hours during her chemo treatments, and beyond...my mom has remained joyful, in the midst of physical suffering. Her smile makes me smile. Her laugh makes me laugh. Can this joy be cultivated on her own? I don't believe so. The Spirit brings joy.
I think it's amazing to sit back and see God's blessing around us. As I was out watering my flowers this afternoon and picking the abundance of zucchini springing from our community garden, I was enjoying God's creation and all that he's blessed us with. God has met our needs, time and time again...daily. Without Him, we would lack joy, we'd lack hope, we'd lack endurance.
This blog comes with a simple thank you to each of you who have prayed for my family this year. I praise God today for each of you and I praise Him today for hearing our prayers!
Let's continue to surrender ourselves to the Holy Spirit. As a church, let's pray for love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. He will bring it to us. He dwells in each of us! Praise Him for that!!
I hope each of you rest well tonight and can lie your heads down praising God for beds, pillows, toothpaste, water, food, comfort, roofs, safety, children, parents, sisters, brothers, smiles, tears, gardens, flowers, color, smells....the list could go on for eternity...
Peace be with each of you.
This year has been quite a year for my family. As you know, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at the beginning of the year. It was quite a shock to hear of something like this happening, to someone sooo close to me. Someone who I love dearly, more than she'll ever know. Through this season, our prayer has been that God would be glorified. After multiple surgeries, being poked at, prodded at, multiple doctors, multiple nurses, giving blood, sitting for hours during her chemo treatments, and beyond...my mom has remained joyful, in the midst of physical suffering. Her smile makes me smile. Her laugh makes me laugh. Can this joy be cultivated on her own? I don't believe so. The Spirit brings joy.
I think it's amazing to sit back and see God's blessing around us. As I was out watering my flowers this afternoon and picking the abundance of zucchini springing from our community garden, I was enjoying God's creation and all that he's blessed us with. God has met our needs, time and time again...daily. Without Him, we would lack joy, we'd lack hope, we'd lack endurance.
This blog comes with a simple thank you to each of you who have prayed for my family this year. I praise God today for each of you and I praise Him today for hearing our prayers!
Let's continue to surrender ourselves to the Holy Spirit. As a church, let's pray for love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. He will bring it to us. He dwells in each of us! Praise Him for that!!
I hope each of you rest well tonight and can lie your heads down praising God for beds, pillows, toothpaste, water, food, comfort, roofs, safety, children, parents, sisters, brothers, smiles, tears, gardens, flowers, color, smells....the list could go on for eternity...
Peace be with each of you.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Submit and watch the enemy flee!
“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7
I have spent more time in James the last couple of months than I have any other book of the Bible. I keep coming back to it and every time He reveals another jewel for me to contemplate. Saturday morning I came upon the verse above. The commentary in my Bible really helped me figure out the power in this verse. One must pay particular attention to the order of what we are called to do here. It says first submit then the enemy will flee. I does not say try to get rid of the things in your life that blemish you and then come to Him.
How often have you heard I cannot come to church because I smoke, drink and curse with the best of them? Or how about I am a real bad person and God does not want anything to do with me, I need to get rid of some baggage in my life. How many times have you thought that if I could just rid myself of this sin or that sin, then I can be closer to God? I know I have thought this very thing from time to time and I can never beat the sin that runs my life until I submit to God first. Brothers and Sisters I ask that you submit to Him first and then you will be able to beat the enemy in this terrible game he is playing with us. This verse has so much power for us in being able to know that we can win when we submit. When I look at the ways I can minister to others with this verse I get goose bumps. I can with out a doubt tell someone that He does not care how messed up we are, He wants us to submit first and then He will wash us of the sin that runs our lives. I pray today that all of us can submit to God first and that we will see radical change in our own lives and the lives of others as the devil flees from them.
God Bless,
I have spent more time in James the last couple of months than I have any other book of the Bible. I keep coming back to it and every time He reveals another jewel for me to contemplate. Saturday morning I came upon the verse above. The commentary in my Bible really helped me figure out the power in this verse. One must pay particular attention to the order of what we are called to do here. It says first submit then the enemy will flee. I does not say try to get rid of the things in your life that blemish you and then come to Him.
How often have you heard I cannot come to church because I smoke, drink and curse with the best of them? Or how about I am a real bad person and God does not want anything to do with me, I need to get rid of some baggage in my life. How many times have you thought that if I could just rid myself of this sin or that sin, then I can be closer to God? I know I have thought this very thing from time to time and I can never beat the sin that runs my life until I submit to God first. Brothers and Sisters I ask that you submit to Him first and then you will be able to beat the enemy in this terrible game he is playing with us. This verse has so much power for us in being able to know that we can win when we submit. When I look at the ways I can minister to others with this verse I get goose bumps. I can with out a doubt tell someone that He does not care how messed up we are, He wants us to submit first and then He will wash us of the sin that runs our lives. I pray today that all of us can submit to God first and that we will see radical change in our own lives and the lives of others as the devil flees from them.
God Bless,
Friday, July 27, 2007
Trust and Obey. . .

. . .Obedience is better than sacrifice. . .
1 Samuel 15:22
As I read these words, I am humbled. It’s simple, God wants our love and our obedience. How often do I offer sacrifices in lieu of obeying God? (Obedience and sacrifice are not synonyms.) In our human minds we think one-dimensionally – if we just do this or give up this. It is not something we can do, it is what God does.
Obedience is freely chosen and is based on faith and the imitation of Christ, who did the will of the Father rather than his own will.
When we obey God, we get it all. Some people think that obeying means giving up and dying; but it is just the opposite. When we obey we LIVE!
What a great deal – who wouldn’t want that!
Why me Lord?
When was the last time you asked the question, why me Lord? When you asked this question were was your heart in asking it? Was it out of self-pity, anger, discouragement or you were just having a plain bad day? I cannot tell you the number of times I have asked this very question in times of despair. As I was at work this week I came to realize how sad this was. My heart is not in the right place when I ask this question. When I ask this question my heart needs to be in a place that I ask, why me Lord is it that you love me so and took such an interest in me? This started me thinking about a performance of “Why Me” by Kris Kristofferson I saw awhile back. He sang this song after he was saved and became a Christian. He sings this song with such conviction in his heart. The lyrics are below.
Why Me
Why me Lord what have I ever done
to deserve even one of the pleasures I've known
Tell me, Lord, what did I ever do
that was worth lovin' you or the kindness you've shown
Lord help me, Jesus, I've wasted it so
help me Jesus I know what I am
but now that I know that I've needed you so
help me, Jesus, my soul's in your hand
Try me, Lord, if you think there's a way
I can try to repay all I've taken from you
maybe Lord I can show someone else
what I've been through myself, on my way back to you
Lord help me, Jesus, I've wasted it so
help me Jesus I know what I am
but now that I know that I've needed you so
help me, Jesus, my soul's in your hand
Lord help me, Jesus, I've wasted it so
help me Jesus I know what I am
but now that I know that I've needed you so
help me Jesus my souls in your hand
Jesus, my soul's in your hand.
When was the last time you asked, what have I ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I’ve known? Have you ever asked what did I ever do that was worth lovin’ you or the kindness you’ve shown? Have you asked Him if there is a way to repay Him for all He has done? Are you willing to show someone else what you have been through on your way back to Him? Will admit you that you have needed Him? Are you willing to tell Him that your soul is in His hands? Tonight I pray that as we head of to sleep that all of us can answer these questions yes without a doubt in our hearts!
God Bless,
Why Me
Why me Lord what have I ever done
to deserve even one of the pleasures I've known
Tell me, Lord, what did I ever do
that was worth lovin' you or the kindness you've shown
Lord help me, Jesus, I've wasted it so
help me Jesus I know what I am
but now that I know that I've needed you so
help me, Jesus, my soul's in your hand
Try me, Lord, if you think there's a way
I can try to repay all I've taken from you
maybe Lord I can show someone else
what I've been through myself, on my way back to you
Lord help me, Jesus, I've wasted it so
help me Jesus I know what I am
but now that I know that I've needed you so
help me, Jesus, my soul's in your hand
Lord help me, Jesus, I've wasted it so
help me Jesus I know what I am
but now that I know that I've needed you so
help me Jesus my souls in your hand
Jesus, my soul's in your hand.
When was the last time you asked, what have I ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I’ve known? Have you ever asked what did I ever do that was worth lovin’ you or the kindness you’ve shown? Have you asked Him if there is a way to repay Him for all He has done? Are you willing to show someone else what you have been through on your way back to Him? Will admit you that you have needed Him? Are you willing to tell Him that your soul is in His hands? Tonight I pray that as we head of to sleep that all of us can answer these questions yes without a doubt in our hearts!
God Bless,
Thursday, July 26, 2007
The Fullness of God
I sat through our Bible study at our house last night, listening to Zach teach on Matthew chapter 6. Before reading this chapter together, we were discussing our king Jesus, and how if we truly say that we "follow" him, what would that look like. We were talking about experiencing the "fullness of God." I have heard Zach say this many many times and never has that phrase stood out like it did to me last night.
The definition of "fullness" is the quality or state of being full. Now how many of us say that yes our King is Jesus? How many of us have heard Zach say these words and agreed with him, even knodded as an active listener? How many of us have taken a step back and asked ourselves, am I experiencing the fullness of God? Am I FULL of Him? I know that for myself, I have days where that is not my desire. It is there at some level but not at the level where God intends for us. His desire is for us to long to be full of Him. What would the "fullness of God" look like in our lives? I actually have no idea, but to say that it would look a lot like the characteristics of Jesus, our King. If only we could love like Him, as Doug Kemp pointed out last night. He loves us so much, He wants for us to be full of Him. Welling up, flowing like a river, with love, with compassion, with forgiveness, with grace, with mercy, with a giving heart, with kindness, with humility. Can we make ourselves well up with these things? We can, but soon we will grow weary. Where is the source for this "fullness." God alone.
I turned to Ephesians 3 this afternoon...
Before you read this, clear your mind of perceived thoughts of this verse. It's one of our favorites so we hear it often. But ask God for new eyes to see...
Ephesians 3
A Prayer for the Ephesians
14 For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. (that means you and I, coming from the Father) 16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord's people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Tonight as you lay down to sleep or tomorrow morning if you read this before you start your day, ask the Holy Spirit to well up inside of you so that each of us will experience the fullness of God. My prayer is the same as Paul's, that to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. May we have power with all the Lord's people together. This is Hillside, our family. What will people say when they meet us? Will they walk away desiring to have the fullness of God too? I pray so...
The definition of "fullness" is the quality or state of being full. Now how many of us say that yes our King is Jesus? How many of us have heard Zach say these words and agreed with him, even knodded as an active listener? How many of us have taken a step back and asked ourselves, am I experiencing the fullness of God? Am I FULL of Him? I know that for myself, I have days where that is not my desire. It is there at some level but not at the level where God intends for us. His desire is for us to long to be full of Him. What would the "fullness of God" look like in our lives? I actually have no idea, but to say that it would look a lot like the characteristics of Jesus, our King. If only we could love like Him, as Doug Kemp pointed out last night. He loves us so much, He wants for us to be full of Him. Welling up, flowing like a river, with love, with compassion, with forgiveness, with grace, with mercy, with a giving heart, with kindness, with humility. Can we make ourselves well up with these things? We can, but soon we will grow weary. Where is the source for this "fullness." God alone.
I turned to Ephesians 3 this afternoon...
Before you read this, clear your mind of perceived thoughts of this verse. It's one of our favorites so we hear it often. But ask God for new eyes to see...
Ephesians 3
A Prayer for the Ephesians
14 For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. (that means you and I, coming from the Father) 16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord's people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Tonight as you lay down to sleep or tomorrow morning if you read this before you start your day, ask the Holy Spirit to well up inside of you so that each of us will experience the fullness of God. My prayer is the same as Paul's, that to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. May we have power with all the Lord's people together. This is Hillside, our family. What will people say when they meet us? Will they walk away desiring to have the fullness of God too? I pray so...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
How bold are you willing to be?
“…urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to his holy people.” Jude 1:3
When I read this passage in Jude I get this feeling that I need to charge right and start defending the very blessing that He has given us. There are so many different ways to defend the faith, that often we do not see the opportunity. I get so excited when I think that He has entrusted me. I wonder if I listen to Him at all times and carry out this charge or do I pick and choose the time and place. Am I bold in this or do I get scared and not always carry out this task? When I reflect on this verse I cannot help but think about what Paul writes in Philippians.
“For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past. And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die. For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better. But if I live, I can do more fruitful work for Christ. So I really don’t know which is better. I’m torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me. But for your sakes, it is better that I continue to live.”
Philippians 1:20-24
Each time I read this, the boldness that Paul writes about amazes me and I wonder do I live my life this way? Do you live your life this way? When I read this it is though Paul is saying I do not care what you do to me because I know that what I am doing is for Christ and He will take care of me. I know that Christ will take care of me in all I do, but do I live this way? I know that as I become bolder in my faith and carry out His will I start to see other believers come together. I can only think that as we spur each other on that we will become stronger and we can make a difference. I have seen this very thing unfold at work. There was a time that I did not know any believers and as I started to share my experiences they started to come out of the woodwork. Now as I enter my workplace I know that others are praying for the organization and me. The key to all of this is listening to Him and carrying out His plan when He asks us to. I pray that all of us can and will be strong in our faith. Can we as a group live as Paul did and put all our trust in Christ? Will you be bold for Christ? I have to ask myself these questions continually and ask that you ask yourself these very things.
God Bless,
When I read this passage in Jude I get this feeling that I need to charge right and start defending the very blessing that He has given us. There are so many different ways to defend the faith, that often we do not see the opportunity. I get so excited when I think that He has entrusted me. I wonder if I listen to Him at all times and carry out this charge or do I pick and choose the time and place. Am I bold in this or do I get scared and not always carry out this task? When I reflect on this verse I cannot help but think about what Paul writes in Philippians.
“For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past. And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die. For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better. But if I live, I can do more fruitful work for Christ. So I really don’t know which is better. I’m torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me. But for your sakes, it is better that I continue to live.”
Philippians 1:20-24
Each time I read this, the boldness that Paul writes about amazes me and I wonder do I live my life this way? Do you live your life this way? When I read this it is though Paul is saying I do not care what you do to me because I know that what I am doing is for Christ and He will take care of me. I know that Christ will take care of me in all I do, but do I live this way? I know that as I become bolder in my faith and carry out His will I start to see other believers come together. I can only think that as we spur each other on that we will become stronger and we can make a difference. I have seen this very thing unfold at work. There was a time that I did not know any believers and as I started to share my experiences they started to come out of the woodwork. Now as I enter my workplace I know that others are praying for the organization and me. The key to all of this is listening to Him and carrying out His plan when He asks us to. I pray that all of us can and will be strong in our faith. Can we as a group live as Paul did and put all our trust in Christ? Will you be bold for Christ? I have to ask myself these questions continually and ask that you ask yourself these very things.
God Bless,
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
We come to Him, but do we listen?
“Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, and you will find life.” Isaiah 55:3
Our Heavenly Father has revealed this verse to me at different times during my walk with Him. I all to often have the first part of this verse down, but forget about the latter. I usually go through hardship when I forget about the last part of this verse. I can not recall the number of times in my life that I have been struggling and Steph asks, “What did He tell you that you did not listen to.” All to often she is right and I did not listen. I come to Him in prayer, study and worship but do not always open my ears up to listen to what He has to say to me. I met an old man at work some months ago and he told me that the key to studying the word of God is taking time to listen to what He has to teach you. A few days later my boss told me that when I pray to make sure I take time to listen to him as I pray. He has things that He wants to tell us. I have found this to be useful in all aspects of my walk with Him. However, there are times still that I get wrapped up in my own agenda and do not listen. I ask of you, when you come to him do you take time to listen? I can speak for myself that when I take the time to listen to Him I do receive life and it is amazing. I encourage all, when you come to Him take time to listen.
God Bless,
Our Heavenly Father has revealed this verse to me at different times during my walk with Him. I all to often have the first part of this verse down, but forget about the latter. I usually go through hardship when I forget about the last part of this verse. I can not recall the number of times in my life that I have been struggling and Steph asks, “What did He tell you that you did not listen to.” All to often she is right and I did not listen. I come to Him in prayer, study and worship but do not always open my ears up to listen to what He has to say to me. I met an old man at work some months ago and he told me that the key to studying the word of God is taking time to listen to what He has to teach you. A few days later my boss told me that when I pray to make sure I take time to listen to him as I pray. He has things that He wants to tell us. I have found this to be useful in all aspects of my walk with Him. However, there are times still that I get wrapped up in my own agenda and do not listen. I ask of you, when you come to him do you take time to listen? I can speak for myself that when I take the time to listen to Him I do receive life and it is amazing. I encourage all, when you come to Him take time to listen.
God Bless,
The Hillside Life

We have five senses. We see, we hear, we taste, we touch, and we can experience aromas. What’s even more amazing is that we have the ability to translate these sensations into thoughts, to combine them, to analyze them, to reflect on them, and my personal favorite…to share them. There is no doubt in my mind that humanity was created in the image of God. Not a distance and cold mystical “god” but a real and personal God who thinks, acts, and feels. These traits shared by both the creator and the created form the framework of and create beauty in our relationships.
You think. You act on those thoughts. And you are able to express and experience emotion. Many of us experience the full spectrum of this “personal” and real life and yet it remains hidden. We do not share. We do not feel that our thoughts have value. We think that we are alone in our emotions or experiences. And ultimately we fear revealing these things, anticipating only rejection, embarrassment, and judgment from the watching world. This tragedy is not by accident…
Imagine something for me. Imagine a dense line of trees separating a beautiful hillside and a city. The hillside is full of wild flowers, trees, roses, shrubs…a wide variety of every type of plant. The city however is a dark and cold machine. Production and consumption have become the highest values and so there is little time for things like thought, art, and sharing. People simply have enough time to produce, consume and return to do it again.
This cold cycle led the people of the city into depression, isolation and discouragement because something in them longed for thought, expression, and beauty. Consequently production and consumption both suffered. In order to “solve this problem,” and get production and consumption back on track a group of elite folks who were in control of the city elected to send their representative up to the hillside to pick what they believed were the prettiest examples of life and bring them back to the city. From there the colors, smells, and images of these specimens would be reproduced in various forms of media and continuously distributed throughout the city in order to motivate and inspire the worker bees, I mean fine citizens of the city. Oops.
The intentions of the original elite were very cold and self serving and they knew that they could not guarantee that the next generations of elite would not become interested or distracted by the life on the hillside so they decided that they must erase all evidence that it ever existed. This was pretty easy to do. The elite simply had to control the popular information distribution sources and do some minor editing to the information being distributed. Soon people forgot to ask questions or check the sources that were producing and distributing the information.
Having been raised believing that man was just an advanced evolved worker bee who was happiest and safest when locked in a steady and predictable pace of “produce and consume,” the next generations of well intentioned elitists simply continued this cycle until very few people existed in the city who actually believed there really was life outside of the city. Those who did attempt to tell the old story of life on the hillside were quickly labeled dreamers, fairy tale chasers, or weak people who had just created a fantasy in order to escape the realities of the city. And so it went until the truth of the hillside was almost completely erased, almost.
Obviously analogies are limited and my short story telling capabilities are under developed due to my overdeveloped “produce and consume” capabilities. Here is what I am suggesting…
Mankind was created in the image of a real and personal God who thought, acted and felt. We were created to worship and glorify God and to enjoy existing with Him forever. This plan was hijacked by the ultimate “elitist” who sought power and control. Departing from the original plan, mankind joined the ranks of this “elitist” rebellion which did nothing but shatter our dependence on God exchanging it for the slavery of dependence on self. Ever since that time mankind has suffered the effects of this rebellion.
The good news however, is that there is a way to gain freedom from the despair of slavery. You know the rest of the story…this brings us to the present. You and I are fully alive. We are real and personal beings. Created in the image of God to worship and glorify Him and to enjoy existing with Him forever. We can confidently claim this without doubt or fear. Through Christ we are free now to think, act and feel understanding the truth of life! Our thoughts, actions and feelings; our lives, are no longer meaningless or valuable only based on the priorities or judgments of the world!
God is there! He is personal; thinking, acting and feeling in relationship with His people who are now free to do the same in return through Christ! The truth truly sets us free!
This promise is not just for us but for our children and their children and on down the line. The challenge before us now is to build our underdeveloped muscles and to proclaim, cultivate and celebrate this truth.
As I read the blogs each day I am lit up by the thoughts, actions and feelings of a truly free people who are now encouraging and sharing this life together! Every word written proclaims, cultivates and celebrates the truth and love of God. And we not only enjoy every word written but we can truly know and love one another! As we read Doug’s words, Lisa’s words, Jo’s words, Rick’s words, Nate’s words, Cammie’s words, soon your words and the words of all those who comment we are deepening our love for one another and bettering our understanding of one another.
Thank you for truly living. Thank you for sharing. Keep sharing! Keep living! Your thoughts, actions and feelings are the beauty on the hillside that testifies and serves as a record that true life does exist. I can’t wait to see more of the hillside life filter into the cities!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Are we willing to enjoy times of quiet?
“Better a handful with quietness, than with both hands full, together with toil and grasping for the wind.” Ecclesiastes 4:6
As I headed back to work this verse continued to roll around in my head and as I prayed through it I could not help but realize how this verse applies to my own life in so many ways. I was off from work for 4 weeks to spend time with Steph and Maxson; this was a definite change in pace for me. I am usually going about 90 miles an hour with work, the farm, family and friends. I all to often miss the quiet times that He sets aside for me and blow right by them. Over the last four weeks life slowed down as I spent time with two of the greatest gifts that I have been blessed with and at times I felt that my ministry was lacking in some way. I was at home with my wife and newborn son and somehow I thought something was lacking in my life. How foolish is this? Life changed for these few weeks and I was able to enjoy quietness and only have a few things on my plate.
The sad thing about his is it took me going back to work to realize this. This happened once I had both hands full and life was full of toil and it seemed as I was grasping for the wind, as I once again joined the rat race. I have been blessed with a wonderful job but all to often I let it consume my life. What is it that consumes your life? Are you willing to enjoy the quietness? Or are you after having both hands full? I know that I have to continually come back to this verse and ask myself these questions and I challenge you to ask these same questions in your own life. All to often I work to create a ministry or just to make myself busy. I challenge all of us to work at being able to come to Him and rest in Him and enjoy the times of quiet.
God Bless,
As I headed back to work this verse continued to roll around in my head and as I prayed through it I could not help but realize how this verse applies to my own life in so many ways. I was off from work for 4 weeks to spend time with Steph and Maxson; this was a definite change in pace for me. I am usually going about 90 miles an hour with work, the farm, family and friends. I all to often miss the quiet times that He sets aside for me and blow right by them. Over the last four weeks life slowed down as I spent time with two of the greatest gifts that I have been blessed with and at times I felt that my ministry was lacking in some way. I was at home with my wife and newborn son and somehow I thought something was lacking in my life. How foolish is this? Life changed for these few weeks and I was able to enjoy quietness and only have a few things on my plate.
The sad thing about his is it took me going back to work to realize this. This happened once I had both hands full and life was full of toil and it seemed as I was grasping for the wind, as I once again joined the rat race. I have been blessed with a wonderful job but all to often I let it consume my life. What is it that consumes your life? Are you willing to enjoy the quietness? Or are you after having both hands full? I know that I have to continually come back to this verse and ask myself these questions and I challenge you to ask these same questions in your own life. All to often I work to create a ministry or just to make myself busy. I challenge all of us to work at being able to come to Him and rest in Him and enjoy the times of quiet.
God Bless,
Friday, July 20, 2007
Sort of a confession
Only our great and wonderful Holy Spirit could of made me admit this but it is so vibrant in my mind and soul and spirit that I must share it with my favorite people in the world. The other night I had the headache I had only heard and read about. I was about to go to the emergency room as I could not stand it any longer. I had spent much time praying in bed and then on my knees and begging God to take this cup from me. I begged and begged and begged. I took a walk to no avail and then got in my recliner as a last resort. I asked Him if I should go to the hospital and clear as a bell he let me know to praise Him. Why would I possibly do that I was thinking.
BUT, OUT OF DEPERATION!!! I started singing it is well with my soul and thanking Him for all He has done. I never got to verse #2. I woke up fine 3 hours later. Our Lord continues to amaze me the more He responds to me. And all I ever had to do was respond to Him. He has been waiting for me for almost 58 years and I am just beginning to contribute my 1%. He has always been there with His 99%. I have learned that without our commitment, (surrender) we cannot see what He is doing. I thank this sweet church body for showing me so, so much on how to be available to God's will. Most of you are much younger than I but your wisdom I have seen and seen and seen again. I am blessed above most because of my sweet lady and my caring and loving church. All I can say is thank you church and thank you Jesus!!! Love from Doug.
BUT, OUT OF DEPERATION!!! I started singing it is well with my soul and thanking Him for all He has done. I never got to verse #2. I woke up fine 3 hours later. Our Lord continues to amaze me the more He responds to me. And all I ever had to do was respond to Him. He has been waiting for me for almost 58 years and I am just beginning to contribute my 1%. He has always been there with His 99%. I have learned that without our commitment, (surrender) we cannot see what He is doing. I thank this sweet church body for showing me so, so much on how to be available to God's will. Most of you are much younger than I but your wisdom I have seen and seen and seen again. I am blessed above most because of my sweet lady and my caring and loving church. All I can say is thank you church and thank you Jesus!!! Love from Doug.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Summer never ceases to amaze me. When God created the world He went all out!! He didn't have to make perfectly red, juicy strawberries that taste so good. He could've just put in the vitamins without the taste. And blueberries are the deepest, purpliest blue I've ever seen -- even better than a crayon.
And thank you, Jesus, for raspberries!
They're SOOO yummy!!! Lisa G.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Beauty is Only Skin Deep

What do we do to make ourselves look and smell good?
Grecian formula/hair color, acrylic nails, deodorant, mouth wash, perfume/cologne, suntan, expensive watches, diamonds and gold, braces/teeth whitener, designer jeans, makeup, haircut/shave, diets, facials, radial keratotomy/lasik, new car, nice house, manicured lawn, and the list goes on and on.
Yes, on the outside, but what about the inside?
Love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
We spend so much time making ourselves look fine on the outside! But we forget to spend time working on the inside. Working on the things that will produce and bolster these fruits will automatically make us look good on the outside.
1 Samuel 16:7 “. . . The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
Giving God the glory,
Love from Doug
Hey, where is everybody? You can't just disappear. My life depends on coming here and being lifted up by my favorite people in the world. (Next to Marilyn of course)
So get out of the hot tub and be profound so Doug has a vehicle to maintain his steady climb into heaven. Remember, if you don't contribute in my spiritual education, I won't put in a good word for you when I get there. And some of you just might need it. LOL. Love you guys and gals and was so, so happy to spend Sunday with you and worship our fine, fine Lord. Looking forward to camping and smelling like smoke and eating smores. You guys are the bestest anywhere. You have no idea how much you dump Jesus over all of us when we are together. It is fellowship at its grandest scale. Thank you Hillside individuals. I love you all.
BUT!!!!!!!!!!! If you don't get busy on the blogsite, I'm going to tell. Doug.
So get out of the hot tub and be profound so Doug has a vehicle to maintain his steady climb into heaven. Remember, if you don't contribute in my spiritual education, I won't put in a good word for you when I get there. And some of you just might need it. LOL. Love you guys and gals and was so, so happy to spend Sunday with you and worship our fine, fine Lord. Looking forward to camping and smelling like smoke and eating smores. You guys are the bestest anywhere. You have no idea how much you dump Jesus over all of us when we are together. It is fellowship at its grandest scale. Thank you Hillside individuals. I love you all.
BUT!!!!!!!!!!! If you don't get busy on the blogsite, I'm going to tell. Doug.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Shortcut to knowing God
We, as Christians, want to know God.
There are more ways to know God than Christians.
So many books. So many sermons. So many religions.
Many charismatic men and women have tried to show us the way.
We read the Word. We get on our knees. We talk to God. We go to church.
We may even listen in church and listen to God when we are quiet.
All good stuff I would say. It is just that those ways take time to sink in.
We are human and distractions are abundant.
What is the shortcut? THE CROSS!!
What better place to know God than the Cross!
Just look at what He is doing!
Try and put yourself up there and feel what He feels.
What else can be important? Or even interesting!
Plain and simple He is 100% Love.
Compassion and Mercy are but attributes of Love.
People, you know Love. He has gifted us with that.
So we do know Him. SIMPLE – SIMPLE – SIMPLE.
And with this simplicity comes Joy.
True Joy cannot be conjured. True Joy is a reaction to a true Savior.
All of a sudden you have Joy and it is then you realize what caused it.
He did. He always has. He always will. Just get up there with Him.
He doesn’t mind. He loves us on His lap. Even when suffering as He did.
Why do we go through times without Joy?
We need not anymore.
You can blame your parents or your spouse or even the enemy.
That would be your fault because He had provided a way out.
At the Cross there is nothing that can touch us because the Cross is an attitude!!!
Knowing God is an attitude!!! It is a conscious effort.
What are our real preferences? If we aren’t at the Cross, why even pursue Him?
Love to you from Doug.
There are more ways to know God than Christians.
So many books. So many sermons. So many religions.
Many charismatic men and women have tried to show us the way.
We read the Word. We get on our knees. We talk to God. We go to church.
We may even listen in church and listen to God when we are quiet.
All good stuff I would say. It is just that those ways take time to sink in.
We are human and distractions are abundant.
What is the shortcut? THE CROSS!!
What better place to know God than the Cross!
Just look at what He is doing!
Try and put yourself up there and feel what He feels.
What else can be important? Or even interesting!
Plain and simple He is 100% Love.
Compassion and Mercy are but attributes of Love.
People, you know Love. He has gifted us with that.
So we do know Him. SIMPLE – SIMPLE – SIMPLE.
And with this simplicity comes Joy.
True Joy cannot be conjured. True Joy is a reaction to a true Savior.
All of a sudden you have Joy and it is then you realize what caused it.
He did. He always has. He always will. Just get up there with Him.
He doesn’t mind. He loves us on His lap. Even when suffering as He did.
Why do we go through times without Joy?
We need not anymore.
You can blame your parents or your spouse or even the enemy.
That would be your fault because He had provided a way out.
At the Cross there is nothing that can touch us because the Cross is an attitude!!!
Knowing God is an attitude!!! It is a conscious effort.
What are our real preferences? If we aren’t at the Cross, why even pursue Him?
Love to you from Doug.
Good little article
My attempts to cut and paste in the reply box failed, so the third time is a charm. Enjoy! Nathan
The Christian Hedonist...
The Christian Hedonist...
Create in Me a Clean Heart
I was taken by this quote from Aaron Shust about his song "Create Again".

“I don’t know how anyone who has ever flown in an airplane can look at all the amazing sites of nature and not believe in a Divine Creator. It blows my mind that, out of all of the amazing natural wonders I can see from 40,000 feet, God chose humans to be the monument that points to His worth and His glory more than anything else. My prayer in this song is directed to the Creator of the Universe, acknowledging all that He has done, and then asking that He would create again, but this time, in me."
I am humbled that God chose me,

“I don’t know how anyone who has ever flown in an airplane can look at all the amazing sites of nature and not believe in a Divine Creator. It blows my mind that, out of all of the amazing natural wonders I can see from 40,000 feet, God chose humans to be the monument that points to His worth and His glory more than anything else. My prayer in this song is directed to the Creator of the Universe, acknowledging all that He has done, and then asking that He would create again, but this time, in me."
I am humbled that God chose me,
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Rise Up Church on Broken Wings...
Today I was touched by Oswald's "Utmost." I wanted to share it with the church, as I believe it is a great reminder for the body. Do we really know Him? Oswald hits a home run with this devotion. My desire is for Hillside to be a spiritually "Christ" seeking church. Can you even imagine what the church would look like if we were all surrendered, daily, to His will? WOW! Zach and I are excited for the future! We are expectant and we are praising God daily for each of you! In your church Lord, be glorified...
The Spiritually Self-Seeking Church
. . . till we all come . . . to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ . . . —Ephesians 4:13
Reconciliation means the restoring of the relationship between the entire human race and God, putting it back to what God designed it to be. This is what Jesus Christ did in redemption. The church ceases to be spiritual when it becomes self-seeking, only interested in the development of its own organization. The reconciliation of the human race according to His plan means realizing Him not only in our lives individually, but also in our lives collectively. Jesus Christ sent apostles and teachers for this very purpose— that the corporate Person of Christ and His church, made up of many members, might be brought into being and made known. We are not here to develop a spiritual life of our own, or to enjoy a quiet spiritual retreat. We are here to have the full realization of Jesus Christ, for the purpose of building His body.
Am I building up the body of Christ, or am I only concerned about my own personal development? The essential thing is my personal relationship with Jesus Christ— ". . . that I may know Him. . ." ( Philippians 3:10 ). To fulfill God’s perfect design for me requires my total surrender— complete abandonment of myself to Him. Whenever I only want things for myself, the relationship is distorted. And I will suffer great humiliation once I come to acknowledge and understand that I have not really been concerned about realizing Jesus Christ Himself, but only concerned with knowing what He has done for me.
My goal is God Himself, not joy nor peace, Nor even blessing, but Himself, my God.
Am I measuring my life by this standard or by something less?
The Spiritually Self-Seeking Church
. . . till we all come . . . to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ . . . —Ephesians 4:13
Reconciliation means the restoring of the relationship between the entire human race and God, putting it back to what God designed it to be. This is what Jesus Christ did in redemption. The church ceases to be spiritual when it becomes self-seeking, only interested in the development of its own organization. The reconciliation of the human race according to His plan means realizing Him not only in our lives individually, but also in our lives collectively. Jesus Christ sent apostles and teachers for this very purpose— that the corporate Person of Christ and His church, made up of many members, might be brought into being and made known. We are not here to develop a spiritual life of our own, or to enjoy a quiet spiritual retreat. We are here to have the full realization of Jesus Christ, for the purpose of building His body.
Am I building up the body of Christ, or am I only concerned about my own personal development? The essential thing is my personal relationship with Jesus Christ— ". . . that I may know Him. . ." ( Philippians 3:10 ). To fulfill God’s perfect design for me requires my total surrender— complete abandonment of myself to Him. Whenever I only want things for myself, the relationship is distorted. And I will suffer great humiliation once I come to acknowledge and understand that I have not really been concerned about realizing Jesus Christ Himself, but only concerned with knowing what He has done for me.
My goal is God Himself, not joy nor peace, Nor even blessing, but Himself, my God.
Am I measuring my life by this standard or by something less?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Don't be a Hoser!
With all the hot weather recently, Jocie and I have had to water our plants & flowers quite frequently. A few months ago we purchased 100ft of brand new garden hose which sat in our garage untouched until 2 weeks ago. If you have ever spent any time breaking in a new hose, especially one that is 100ft long; you probably can sympathize with any frustrations that I'm about to share with you.
First of all, the hose fights you. It twists you, pulls you, and takes you for a spin. No kidding. As you attempt to use the hose, you are met with mature rebellion as your 100ft hose kinks up every 3ft refusing to let the rush of fresh water sooth your thirsty garden flora. How ridiculous! I think I lost my salvation a couple times if you know what I mean.
This is when it dawned on me, if I just roll with it, the hose seems to become manageable and very easy to handle. I become less irritated, and the task of bringing much needed refreshment to my thirsty plants is accomplished. After battling my hose for a couple of days, the Lord gave me an excellent picture of what it is like to battle Him and His will. It looks much like the battle described above. Our mature rebellion towards Him, kinks up any hope of His Living Water being able to flow freely, bringing much needed nourishment to your soul, and the souls of others. Zach talked about this a few weeks back...I believe he called it "Quenching the Spirit". Quit being a hoser! You can stop fighting, rest, and receive.
"Let the river flow
Let the river flow
Holy spirit come
Moving power
Let the river flow."
-Darrell Evans
Love ya, Nathan
God and Motorcycles
This morning I met my dad at the Aviation Museum in McMinnville to spend some time with Him and look at some cool planes. When I got up this morning I thought it would be nice to ride the motorcycle over there. It has been a couple of weeks since I road. I have not had time to ride since Maxson came along and Steph will not let me take him out on it yet, maybe in a week or two.
Well the ride over was beautiful and I could not have asked for much better riding conditions. I was comfortable in my riding gear and there was very little traffic. I enjoy the roads between our house and McMinnville since it is through some beautiful farmland. I have road this stretch of road many times and always seem to enjoy it.
By the time Dad and I got out of the museum it had warmed up a bit. The ride home was not as enjoyable, but I kept telling myself that I was on the motorcycle and to enjoy the ride. As long as I was in the open farmland the ride was actually decent.
I made it home and did some things around the house and then I needed to run to town to see some friends and I jumped on the motorcycle again. This time it was no good at all. I had to go to the other side of Woodburn and it was around 5 pm. It never fails when I go to Woodburn at this time I hit every stoplight red. The same was true tonight and it was close to 100 out. It was not much fun at all.
On reflection of today’s rides I have found it was not the motorcycle that I did not like. It is the environment and the circumstances that I was in. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity ride today. No matter what the weather is like the motorcycle is still carrying me to my destination and that is so much fun. I have been in some very miserable weather from wind and rain to days of 100-degree weather. At the moment it seems like it is unbearable but now all I can see is that I had a good day riding.
I think about my motorcycling experiences and compare them to my walk with God. They are very similar. For starters it is amazing that I get to walk with Him and He will see me to my destination. I cannot think of a better place to be in life than with Him. There are times though when I am in that rainstorm or out on a 100-degree day with Him. It is on days like this that I have to realize that it is not Him that is causing the pain and suffering, but it is the environment that I am in. He is still the same as He was on the cool morning that I enjoy so much to ride on. I encourage all of us to remember that no matter what the weather is like to remember, that He is there carrying us to our next destination.
May God bless all of you. Rick
Well the ride over was beautiful and I could not have asked for much better riding conditions. I was comfortable in my riding gear and there was very little traffic. I enjoy the roads between our house and McMinnville since it is through some beautiful farmland. I have road this stretch of road many times and always seem to enjoy it.
By the time Dad and I got out of the museum it had warmed up a bit. The ride home was not as enjoyable, but I kept telling myself that I was on the motorcycle and to enjoy the ride. As long as I was in the open farmland the ride was actually decent.
I made it home and did some things around the house and then I needed to run to town to see some friends and I jumped on the motorcycle again. This time it was no good at all. I had to go to the other side of Woodburn and it was around 5 pm. It never fails when I go to Woodburn at this time I hit every stoplight red. The same was true tonight and it was close to 100 out. It was not much fun at all.
On reflection of today’s rides I have found it was not the motorcycle that I did not like. It is the environment and the circumstances that I was in. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity ride today. No matter what the weather is like the motorcycle is still carrying me to my destination and that is so much fun. I have been in some very miserable weather from wind and rain to days of 100-degree weather. At the moment it seems like it is unbearable but now all I can see is that I had a good day riding.
I think about my motorcycling experiences and compare them to my walk with God. They are very similar. For starters it is amazing that I get to walk with Him and He will see me to my destination. I cannot think of a better place to be in life than with Him. There are times though when I am in that rainstorm or out on a 100-degree day with Him. It is on days like this that I have to realize that it is not Him that is causing the pain and suffering, but it is the environment that I am in. He is still the same as He was on the cool morning that I enjoy so much to ride on. I encourage all of us to remember that no matter what the weather is like to remember, that He is there carrying us to our next destination.
May God bless all of you. Rick
Proclaim Cultivate Celebrate
Those three words are starting to sink in. You have to proclaim in all things or there is nothing to celebrate. And celebration makes you want to be cultivated. And the more you are cultivated by the Holy Spirit, the more there is to celebrate. Which makes you proclaim Him all the more. It took me almost 58 years to figure that out. I am blessed when I see Matthew Merrick already understanding this simple
lesson. Love to all of you from Doug.
lesson. Love to all of you from Doug.
Dear Church
Why can't I heal people?
I try in the name of Jesus Christ!
But after I claim the healing,
I can feel I am not sure.
Actually, I know it will not work!
I want what God has for me.
But I will not listen.
I do all the talking.
I have got to be crazy.
How can I pass up such a blessing?
My wife longs to sit and worship with me.
I do chores for her.
I take her out to eat regularly.
I tell her I love her 25 times a day. (cause I do!)
I worship the ground she walks on.
But I struggle with daily devotions with her.
I have no trouble all by myself.
It is easy to praise God and love His Word alone!
Thank you Father for teaching me.
Thank you for being patient and gentle.
Please Jesus, instill a Spirit within me
that will respond to your calling.
I give you all the praise in advance.
Because any void from Jesus that I create I feel.
JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love to all of you from Doug...
Why can't I heal people?
I try in the name of Jesus Christ!
But after I claim the healing,
I can feel I am not sure.
Actually, I know it will not work!
I want what God has for me.
But I will not listen.
I do all the talking.
I have got to be crazy.
How can I pass up such a blessing?
My wife longs to sit and worship with me.
I do chores for her.
I take her out to eat regularly.
I tell her I love her 25 times a day. (cause I do!)
I worship the ground she walks on.
But I struggle with daily devotions with her.
I have no trouble all by myself.
It is easy to praise God and love His Word alone!
Thank you Father for teaching me.
Thank you for being patient and gentle.
Please Jesus, instill a Spirit within me
that will respond to your calling.
I give you all the praise in advance.
Because any void from Jesus that I create I feel.
JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love to all of you from Doug...
Monday, July 9, 2007
Aching Heart Priorities
Dear Church,
Why does my heart ache when I see a homeless person? My heart aches as
I see they need clothes or cleaning or a place to live or a job. I
feel sorry for them because they have few, if any friends. Nothing like
we are blessed with, having each other just a phone call away. I
realized today there must be a 100 other reasons why my heart aches for
them. THEN, I realized my priorities for their welfare was missing the key
ingredient, Jesus! I have been praying for them as I walk down town
for their safety and their warmth and their ability to find food and
never thinking to ask God for their salvation to be foremost in their
minds. I realized the same is true when praying for my church. I ask for
marriage closeness and financial success. I throw in health and job
happiness. And never stop to think about you folks and your actual
salvation. I know from experience that some days faith might as well be a
million dollars. I know from experience that pursuing the Lord 24/7
does not come along very many days in the month. How in the world have I
left that out? You people should hang me up and whip me. So from now
on I promise, when praying for you by name, to include "pursuit of
knowing Jesus" as a priority. And I ask that you do the same for me.
PLEASE!!! Left to my own devices I will fail. Knowing all of you are
behind me and beside me and circling your love around me while asking God
to draw nearer to me is all I could ever ask for. Like Zach says, if we
draw nearer to Him and He draws nearer to us, then all the other stuff
will take care of itself. I love you guys so, so much. Thanks for
your patience with me and putting up with all of my noise!!!
Doug Kemp
Why does my heart ache when I see a homeless person? My heart aches as
I see they need clothes or cleaning or a place to live or a job. I
feel sorry for them because they have few, if any friends. Nothing like
we are blessed with, having each other just a phone call away. I
realized today there must be a 100 other reasons why my heart aches for
them. THEN, I realized my priorities for their welfare was missing the key
ingredient, Jesus! I have been praying for them as I walk down town
for their safety and their warmth and their ability to find food and
never thinking to ask God for their salvation to be foremost in their
minds. I realized the same is true when praying for my church. I ask for
marriage closeness and financial success. I throw in health and job
happiness. And never stop to think about you folks and your actual
salvation. I know from experience that some days faith might as well be a
million dollars. I know from experience that pursuing the Lord 24/7
does not come along very many days in the month. How in the world have I
left that out? You people should hang me up and whip me. So from now
on I promise, when praying for you by name, to include "pursuit of
knowing Jesus" as a priority. And I ask that you do the same for me.
PLEASE!!! Left to my own devices I will fail. Knowing all of you are
behind me and beside me and circling your love around me while asking God
to draw nearer to me is all I could ever ask for. Like Zach says, if we
draw nearer to Him and He draws nearer to us, then all the other stuff
will take care of itself. I love you guys so, so much. Thanks for
your patience with me and putting up with all of my noise!!!
Doug Kemp
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Light of the World

Fireworks is spectacular and unique in the way that it displays its beauty. And yet each "burst of light" is different. So are we.
God made us all unique on purpose and I am so glad that He did.
Matthew 5:14-15 "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house."
My desire is to shine brightly!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Our Heavenly Dwelling

This past week our family had the privilege of going camping up at Pine Hollow, on the backside of Mt. Hood. It was a beautiful setting, with a lake 20 yards from our campsite. Hot sun, beautiful scenery, God’s creation….it can’t get any better than this.
Upon arrival, I began to do the Hunter, Protector, Gatherer, Man-thing of unloading the family van, setting up camp, and making sure our family living area was secure, and safe. This included the setting up of an old 3 room tent that my parents gave us. Oh yeah….it looks much like the picture you see up above. Can you say Old School?!
Anyways, we love it, as it is our “home away from home.” Even as I type these words, the reality of them seem quite prophetic. Every day of our lives…at least here on earth…we are living in our “home away from home”, our mortal bodies. I can’t necessary say I like my body. Much like our dumpy old tent, that has stains, missing stakes, loops, rips and tears; my mortal body has undergone some changes over the years as well. Old sports injuries to my knees, feet, and ankles….receding hairlines, and unwanted girth all plague this body of mine. I’m twice the man I used to be….right babe! : ) Thank God this is not the end result!
Paul sums these thoughts up best…
2 Corinthians 5 NIV
"1Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. 2Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, 3because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. 4For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. 5Now it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. 6Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. 7 We live by faith, not by sight. 8We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. 9So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. 10For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad."
Our spiritual life is constantly being assaulted by our adversary the Devil, but you know what, our bodies may wear out, but spirit never will!! Thank God that Jesus Christ brings Life, Value, and Power into our wind blown, weathered, and war torn tents. Though we ache to be “at home” with Him, we can be certain that while here on earth that He has made His home with us! Can you imagine all that is available to you in Christ Jesus, right now?! Awesome!
I love you all dearly,
Nathan W.
Monday, July 2, 2007
All Creation Praises the Lord
Psalm 148
1 Praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD from the heavens,
praise him in the heights above.
2 Praise him, all his angels,
praise him, all his heavenly hosts.
3 Praise him, sun and moon,
praise him, all you shining stars.
4 Praise him, you highest heavens
and you waters above the skies.
5 Let them praise the name of the LORD,
for he commanded and they were created.
6 He set them in place for ever and ever;
he gave a decree that will never pass away.
7 Praise the LORD from the earth,
you great sea creatures and all ocean depths,
8 lightning and hail, snow and clouds,
stormy winds that do his bidding,
9 you mountains and all hills,
fruit trees and all cedars,
10 wild animals and all cattle,
small creatures and flying birds,
11 kings of the earth and all nations,
you princes and all rulers on earth,
12 young men and maidens,
old men and children.
13 Let them praise the name of the LORD,
for his name alone is exalted;
his splendor is above the earth and the heavens.
14 He has raised up for his people a horn,
the praise of all his saints,
of Israel, the people close to his heart.
Praise the LORD.
He is our Lord and there is none like Him. Rest well tonight knowing that. Even the sun, moon and stars praise Him. Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name...
Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me...
1 Praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD from the heavens,
praise him in the heights above.
2 Praise him, all his angels,
praise him, all his heavenly hosts.
3 Praise him, sun and moon,
praise him, all you shining stars.
4 Praise him, you highest heavens
and you waters above the skies.
5 Let them praise the name of the LORD,
for he commanded and they were created.
6 He set them in place for ever and ever;
he gave a decree that will never pass away.
7 Praise the LORD from the earth,
you great sea creatures and all ocean depths,
8 lightning and hail, snow and clouds,
stormy winds that do his bidding,
9 you mountains and all hills,
fruit trees and all cedars,
10 wild animals and all cattle,
small creatures and flying birds,
11 kings of the earth and all nations,
you princes and all rulers on earth,
12 young men and maidens,
old men and children.
13 Let them praise the name of the LORD,
for his name alone is exalted;
his splendor is above the earth and the heavens.
14 He has raised up for his people a horn,
the praise of all his saints,
of Israel, the people close to his heart.
Praise the LORD.
He is our Lord and there is none like Him. Rest well tonight knowing that. Even the sun, moon and stars praise Him. Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name...
Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me...
God of wonders...
Good morning! What a day to stand in awe of God. Let this week begin with adoration for our God. He lives and through Him we have life! What a gift!
Psalm 111: 2-10 Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever. He has caused his wonders to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and compassionate. He provides food for those who fear Him; He remembers His covenant forever. He has shown His people the power of His works, giving them lands of other nations. The works of His hands are faithful and just; all His precepts are trustworthy. They are steadfast for ever and ever, done in faithfulness and uprightness. He provided redemption for His people; He ordained His covenant forever-holy and awesome is His name.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts have good understanding. To Him belongs eternal praise.
Amen! Have a great Monday!
Zach, Cammie and Bella
Psalm 111: 2-10 Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever. He has caused his wonders to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and compassionate. He provides food for those who fear Him; He remembers His covenant forever. He has shown His people the power of His works, giving them lands of other nations. The works of His hands are faithful and just; all His precepts are trustworthy. They are steadfast for ever and ever, done in faithfulness and uprightness. He provided redemption for His people; He ordained His covenant forever-holy and awesome is His name.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts have good understanding. To Him belongs eternal praise.
Amen! Have a great Monday!
Zach, Cammie and Bella
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