This past week at work I was issued a new phone and this required me to go down to the service center to help get it setup. I walked in and gave the phone to the service technician and he proceeded to help me with the setup of the new phone. We were working on the last component of setting it up and it was not going well. He ended up calling for technical support and the first person he talked with he blew up at, hung up on them and proceeded to tell me how stupid this person was. This did not sit well with me and I prayed, Lord do I say something to this guy that is older than my own father about his actions? The service technician then asked me for the password that I used to protect the phone. My password was Revelation 3:16. He then looks at me with a puzzled look and says interesting. He then starts to think and then asks what does this verse say since he cannot recall it.
I replied, “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”
He did not say much after this except he asked me were I went to church and he finished helping me setup my phone. The interesting part is that the next couple of people for technical support that he talked with he treated with a great deal of respect.
Today I write this to you for two reasons. First is to encourage all of us to be who we say we are in season and out of season, since you will never now who you will encounter. The other part is to encourage those that are talking the talk without walking the walk to stop immediately. I am not sure about you, for myself though, I know that I do not wanted to be vomited from Christ’s mouth if I am not actively seeking and serving Him. I encourage all that have become lax in their walk with Christ to surrender your lives again to Him and be hot once and forevermore.