Thursday, August 16, 2007

More Than I Can Be

“You raise me up to more than I can be.”

God has brought me higher than the place I only dreamed or hoped to be. It was only when God saw the attentive sincerity in me that He began to transform me. It was only when I left my suitcase at the carousel without looking back. How many times did I keep looking back? I had to put my own blinders on.

As I changed, the world around me seemed to change. I started to feel the love inside and around me. I am rich. My life is full. Inside I am jumping up and down. I feel like shouting. The beauty of it all is there is so much more that God has for me. I have just begun to live the way the God had intended. I have just begun to tap into the Holy Spirit. I have just begun to be more than I can be.

I am learning how. . . and last night, I became convicted to be bold. Asking, Seeking, and Knocking. If you really want to be filled with Living Water then you cannot be nonchalant about it. It’s not Ask, ask, ask. It is ASK, SEEK, KNOCK. Persisting, persevering, engaging, unrelenting, continual.

Think about when you were a child and really, really needed something from your mom. Did you just leave a note for your mom on the counter and walk away? No, you went looking for her. You checked all the rooms in the house. But you didn’t stop there. You RAN outside all around the yard, checked the garage to see if the car was still there. You asked your brothers and sisters if they had seen her. You called out her name. You know the scenario.

How can God pour out his goodness if you are not serious and actively pursue Him? Am I just going to write a note and post it in my Bible. No, I think not. There is nothing more important in life than to have more of God. I must Ask, Seek, Knock. and never stop. I must boldly engage. Will you?

The Lord does not hang up on you, but you still need to keep calling.
Thank you God!


Anonymous said...

Preach on! What a blessing to hear your boldness! The simple, powerful and incomparable truth and love of God!

Proclaim it! Cultivate it! Celebrate it!


Anonymous said...

Wow Jo Mama...thank you for the very encouraging message. What great thoughts to end the night with tonight. May we rest our heads, asking, seeking and knocking up above. The Father of the Heavenly lights is listening...Amen to that!


Becca said...

" It was only when God saw the attentive sincerity in me that He began to transform me. " I know this experience. I read a translation that referred to praying with shameless persistence. I always liked that phrase.

Anonymous said...

You nailed it kid. Those are my exact feelings. I am waiting now for His lead and His direction. And have never been happier. Thanks for your great words. We love you so, so much. Doug.