Monday, August 20, 2007

Will you welcome with arms wide open?

After a rough week last week with work I have this week of to work on the farm and spend time with family. I was down in the fields helping my mother-in-law and father-in-law, Jack and Cindy, move irrigation. We had one more set of pipe to move and Jack asked me to go get the new dry cows and take them down to all of the other dry cows that are out on pasture. A dry cow is a cow that is getting a couple of month break before she has a baby. Part of the reason I got to go up is because of the rain and Jack knows how much I like to ride like a mad man on the four-wheeler through the mud.

Well I went and got the four cows. One was black and white, one was a fawn color, another was red and white and the last one was brown. All four were different sizes and a little different shaped. The group of cows that I put them in with was on the other side of the field when I turned them in. After turning them loose I went to pick up Jack and Cindy. I did not get to give them a ride back. Jack drove; I think this might have something to with the cookie I spun in front of them on the four-wheeler. Well this gave me a chance to reflect on the day and look around at the farm on our way back to the barns. I looked out at the field that I just added cows to. All of the cows that were in the field first came over to the other side of the field to great the new cows. I have seen this happen every time new cows are added to a group and have never thought about how amazing this was. It never matters what color, age, size or health, it is simple, there were newcomers to this group and they came to welcome them. When was the last time you saw a newcomer at church and gave them this type of greeting? This was a group of 30 cows that are between 7 and 8.5 months pregnant and they trucked it clear across the field to say hi, are you willing to suffer through some discomfort or sacrifice something else to welcome someone? I know that I am guilty of not greeting newcomers when they have arrived at Hillside. I have from time to time, but not every time. I urge all of us that as we see newcomers to welcome them with arms wide open. Not just once in awhile, but every time!

God Bless,


1 comment:

Joce said...

We've missed reading your blogs Rick! God always has a blessing to share through your writing. What a great reminder. How would we feel in the visitors shoes? Treat them as you would want to be treated huh? With open arms. . . Thank you Rick, I definitely have some opening up to do. God Bless.