Monday, September 17, 2007

Jesus and the farm four-wheeler!

Well I worked on the farm this past weekend and I find it to be a true blessing. I get to work outside around the farm and be around family the whole time. However, there was one problem this weekend, the electric starter on the four-wheeler was out. I had to use the pull rope to start it. At least I can get it started, but it sure is a pain to do. It is hard to pull and does not start up right away. I have always taken the electric starter for granted and never thought much about it until this weekend. Whenever I came to a stop I automatically turned of the four-wheeler and had to go through the whole process again. Talk about a pain.

Well this whole thing started me thinking about Jesus. How easy do we have it with Him? Jesus has made it so easy for us in that all we have to do is believe.

“Yet we know that a person is made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ, not by obeying the law.” Galatians 2:16

It does not get much easier than this does it? Every time I read this verse I am amazed that this is all He asks of me. I then think about the reading that I have done in the Old Testament and all of the rules and laws that they had to obey. However, in this verse it states that it is not by obeying the law. I cannot explain to you how important this is, we do not have to jump through a bunch of hoops and complete a whole list of items to make it into heaven. We simply have to have faith.

Why did I start to think about Jesus and all he does for us when the electric starter would not work on the four-wheeler? I started to ask myself do I take this very thing He does for us for granted? Am I grateful that He did all this work for me to make things easy for me. Do I thank Him and praise Him for this very act? I challenge all of you to take time to thank Him. I know that after the four-wheeler is fixed that I will have a reminder how good we have it in Christ. I challenge you to find a subtle reminder in your life that will cause you to think of this blessing.

God Bless,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen Rick. I feel at times I take everything for granted. I will thank Him today again and again and remember my friend Rick who turns mundane farm issues into glory for God. We love you and thank you. Doug.