Monday, October 29, 2007

Holding the door for Satan

As promised, the efforts of our enemy to steal our joy, peace and unity in ‘believing God’ were redoubled, even as the gathering of believers dispersed Sunday morning.

Within hours after church, as Lisa and I were entering the Dollar Tree to buy a gift for a friend we were intending to visit, he showed himself...

Our enemy loves disguises. In this case, he chose that of his own person:

As I offered the common courtesy of a door held open, I realized it had not been for a lady and her daughter, but for the enemy, as he said to me in the pleasant voice of a 7 or 8 year old girl with red horns on her head, “Thank you.”

Taken aback, I turned to her and said, “That’s the first time I’ve ever been thanked by Satan.”

“But, I’m a nice Satan,” she answered, oblivious of the impossibility.

Lisa found the exchange a little disturbing, I think. To me, it was a little funny ... at first.

Later, Lisa reminded me of what the little girl had said. And, as I reflected on our encounter with the ‘nice Satan,’ it dawned on me what an extreme contradiction in terms she was: A cute little 8 year old girl: sweet, innocent, full of joy and happiness, but already toying with the idea of being the ugliest, most vicious and hateful of hearts in all creation.

Will she go home and contemplate her choice of costume this season? I hope so.

Will we courteously hold the door open for Satan, and let him walk in and out of our lives, welcomed and unheeded? I hope not, no matter his disguise. Rather, I pray we will be on our guard and have opened-eyes to see through his disguises. I pray we will be prepared to confront him with the Spirit of holiness and truth.

I pray we will slam the door in Satan’s face.



Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Amazing insight. Thanks Tim.

Anonymous said...

Yes, WOW!!! How the enemy so easily entangles and deceives. Be prepared for many tactics He may try to use. Thanks for the reminder Tim.

Anonymous said...

oh, the many faces of evil! Beware!