Galatians 2:20 (NKJV)
20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
This life is easier than we make it...we have the Holy Spirit who did not come to help us with this life, but to be our very life. Whether you are a stay at home mom, a farmer, electrician, a daddy, firefighter, a school teacher, or a friend...Christ wants to be your life. He wants you to let go, hand Him the reigns, and let Him accomplish through you the "works" or "ministry" that He ordained for you to do. Imagine...God wants to actually BE a police officer through me! Well, why not? He'd do a far better job than I could ever do anyway...more glory to Him, right?! It is no different for you!
What is it that He has given you to put your hand to? That is your ministry! That is what will bring glory to God. Extinguish any guilt you might have right now, that you are not "doing enough" ministry. Notice that Jesus only did what His Father was telling Him to do, and would only say what His Father was telling Him to say. Why should we be any different? It really takes the pressure off of us to try and create "ministry." He has given us abundant life! So much so, that it should be oozing....I mean overflowing into those around you. We are all in the ministry. If you are alive because of Christ...start living, so others can too!
I beg fact challenge you to lay down that life of a living sacrifice, and watch everything He touches through you turn to gold. It is sooo fun when you yield your life to Him. Each of you are so precious to Him. You are sons and you see yourself as His child? Behind the weariness, behind the smile, do you you really know that He is thrilled with you, proud of you, in love with you?
Even if you never lifted a finger "for the Kingdom" again, do you realize there is nothing more, or nothing less that you could to to gain His approval. You are the righteousness of Christ Jesus! You are always....and will always be in right standing with are pure because He is pure! That goes totally against a world that operates on conditions only..."you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours."
Satan is a ripoff...a liar...and a basically a nuisance. You've been given great riches, so do everything possible to guard them. Remember...Christ is Alive and so are you! No more hangin' around that old cross...enter in freely and with confindence into the presence of are always welcome!
Love all of you and miss you dearly...thanks soo very much for loving and spurring on our family in our ministry. I'll be praying for yours.
Nathan Wallbaum
Sunday, December 9, 2007
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Amen and amen!
What a wonderful message. Thank you Nathaniel. :-)
You are loved and missed. Thank the Lord for our blog site so we still hear the wisdom Jesus has shared with you.
Love ya!
You are the bestest snack lady we ever had downstairs and we miss you lots and lots. Thank you for even more confidence in our Lord. Love to you buddy, Doug.
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