The other week. I was chatting with my friend. We talked about our busy lives and tried to make a date to meet for coffee. Monday wouldn't work - her kids have sports practice. Tuesday was also out - I had group, her son had a game that night. Wednesday night?- No I couldn't do that. Bible Study.- Ok, how about Thursday or Friday? Well, Friday night is SRF, but I am free on Thursday. Nope, she had just joined a new Bible Study and she was busy this Thursday.
Oh how wonderful! For years and years, I had been trying to get her to come with me to Bible Study! I was thrilled that she finally found one that she felt comfortable enough to join. I asked all about it. We chatted about her new group and what they were studying. Finally, I had to ask "What made you decide to join this particular group?"
"Because" she said, "it only meets once a month. That I have time for."
WOW. . .
Do I do that? Is that me? What is my life telling others? Is my "light" dim? Is my family looking through me or to me? Am I half empty or completely filled? Where do I put my trust? Is Christianity a matter of convenience, a duty, or a love?
Thank you Lord for having time for me and for Your grace.
1 comment:
Reminds me a lot of fast food. We want it NOW!!! Who cares about the high calorie and fat content that will slowly kill your body, at least I get my fix when I want it. Thank You Jesus that you forgive our pride and our selfishness. Continue to show us Lord, more of you in us and remove the "fat", the pride, the "I want it when I want" attitude. What a gracious God we have. Thanks for the reminder Jo.
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