I came across this picture in an email today and I just love it. Since becoming a police officer, the Lord has really been speaking to Nathan about being a warrior and a lion. One of the verses that has spoken to him is, "The Lord is a warrior, the Lord is His name." Ex. 15:3 This picture is amazing to me. I feel it really portrays how we sometimes feel like small kittens that are helpless. We simply need to remember who lives inside of us is the Lord, King of the Universe. He is a warrior, a mighty roaring lion. We can be bold and strong because of He who is in us. If we simply believe. We too, may feel like kittens at times, but Jesus the Lion is within us to help us fight the battles of this life. Believe and go forth and "ROOOOAAAARRRR". :0) All for His Glory!
This is awesome, thank you Joce!
I am strong for I can do ALL THINGS with Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 (New King James Version)
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