Friday, June 19, 2009

Another Prayer

Father, after praying and crying so many times I didn't think i could any more, Mom left us to go be with You. I'm sure the idea of her being gone hasn't really settled in yet, but i am thankful for the few things she was able to express when it was hard for her to talk. I never knew how hard it would be to watch my own parent struggle so hard to do things that normally take no thought at all, and the worst part was that i couldn't do anything to help. But You were very gracious to us, because she was peaceful, she was in her own home, and had no pain. Thank You for answering that prayer of ours. We don't know your plans, Father, but we trust You. Thank you so much for your strength and for the incredible support from our church family. Love, Lisa.


The Sherman's said...

Oh Lisa, my heart hurts for you. I really can't imagine what you are going through or what even to say other than you and your family are in in our prayers.

Becca said...

Know that my family is praying for your family.