Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Smelling Like God

Today I was thinking about a couple that are friends of mine. While thinking about them the thought occurred to me that they "smelled like God".

We all carry scents based on where we go, what we do, what/who we spend time with, products we use, etc. If you spend time in a hay field, you will smell like hay. If you spend time in a bar, you will likely smell like a bar. If you spend time in the kitchen, you will smell like food. Spiritually, we carry smells of sorts too. If you spend time in the world you can smell like the world. If you spend time in pride, anger, jealousy, revenge, self-focus, or pouring your life into knowledge of the world you will smell like the world. On the contrary if you spend time close to God in authentic humility, kindness, selflessness, and pouring your life into God's word and prayer, you smell like God.

You can try to cover up the smell of the world through God-scented perfumes and deodorants for a time, but when you find yourself stuck in a desert without these products your true scent will be discovered.

I am so grateful for these particular friends and others like them in which their mere presence makes me want to smell like God and reminds me to do a sniff check regularly. The good news is that if I smell like the world right now, I can hop in the shower and wash off stench of the world. I just have to step into the things that bring me close to God to keep smelling like Him.

What do you smell like today?



Becca said...

I like this. Especially the jumping in the shower part. Nice to remember I don't need to feel depressed/guilty if I smell like the world. I just need to hop in the shower.

Anonymous said...

Jamie, I loved your thoughts. God speaks to you so clearly and I am glad you shared. Made me wonder if I need to take a shower and get the smell of the world off. Thank you for giving me something to think about and also for a little laugh. Love you my friend!