Monday, December 20, 2010

The power of testimony

    As Zach was teaching today on Luke 1 and the differences between the responses of Zechariah and Mary when confronted with Gabriel who bore a prophetic message for them, the words in verse 1:36 leapt off the page and began swirling around in my mind.  Both Zechariah and Mary received a prophecy about something that for each of them was equally impossible by earthly standards, a barren woman becoming pregnant and a virgin becoming pregnant.  Both Zechariah and Mary had questions about these impossible tasks with one difference.  While Zechariah asked for proof of what Gabriel had told him,  verse 36 tells us that Gabriel told Mary of Elizabeth’s miracle, her impossible pregnancy.  When Mary is asked to respond to her prophecy of another impossible pregnancy, she responds with “let it be done to me according to your word.”  These were huge words of extreme faith from one so young.
     Could some of the reason for Mary’s response of faith have been a result of the testimony of what God had already done for Elizabeth?  Mary didn’t need to ask for proof because she had just heard about Elizabeth’s miracle.  John was called to be a forerunner of Jesus, to prepare the way for Him.  Could his ministry have started while still in the womb, as a testimony of God’s ability to do the impossible, to a scared young girl who was being asked to be part of an impossible assignment?  How different might her answer have been had she not had the testimony of Elizabeth’s miracle?  
     As I was pondering on these questions, I could feel God impressing on me the importance of our testimonies and the power that these testimonies have to not only strengthen our faith as we retell them but to strengthen the faith of others who may be facing similar challenges, questioning whether this is actually from God, and wondering how to respond to the impossible thing that He is asking of them.  How blessed are those who have had a forerunner that has gone before them to break the ground and prepare the way for the impossibilities of God to become a possibility that we can accept with the swift, calm assurance of Mary.  
     We have all heard the stories of the Biblical heroes of faith, Abraham, Noah, Ruth, Esther, Joshua, Paul, the list goes on.  Do we really view these people as living, breathing people who were asked to do impossible things by God or are they just stories in a book?  How much more powerful is it when we hear stories of God’s prophecy, His promises, His provision from people we sit beside in church every Sunday, work with during the week, or who visit in our homes?  What if we actually started believing that God is still speaking and performing miracles in and for His children?  What if we started taking God at His word, expecting Him to show up, to answer our prayers in ways that are beyond our comprehension or imagination?  What if we actually began to be open and transparent about our stories and how God met us where we were, touched us with His love and grace, transformed us into victors instead of victims?  What if we viewed our testimonies as the miraculous touches of God they are and began telling others about what He has done for us and wants to do for them? 
        It is my prayer this Christmas season that we will all begin to look and act like forerunners, people who are preparing a way for others to find Jesus, by saying Yes to God when He asks of us the impossible and then walking in faith until it is accomplished.  My mind is reeling with the possibilities of unleashing the God of the impossible on this hurting and lost world...What if????
Merry Christmas 