Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Couple that prayers together...

Stays together...

And I believe it's true!

When Zach and I were first married we were so busy with his new job as a pastor, being newlyweds, etc. that we didn't pray together every night.  We prayed together a lot at different times throughout the day but not at night.  In Oct. 2005, I remember we had been married a year and we both decided we were going to make it a point to pray together every night.  And we've never stopped...  I cannot tell you how wonderful it is, with our heads lying next to one another, to come together, pray/praise about our day and pray for the next day, our future, the girls, safety, their future husbands, etc.  There have been nights when I've fallen asleep while he's praying or vice versa. :-)   In the morning at our breakfast dates we pray together as well.  And I wouldn't want it any other way.  I believe that prayer together with our spouses is what will keep our marriages strong in the Lord, keep us unified with our spouses and so we can make it to our 50th wedding anniversary. :-)  Or beyond!

A day hemmed in prayer seldom unravels...especially with our spouses...  :-)


Glorify the Lord with Me...

He deserves all the glory!

Monday night I laid the girls down and was so frustrated.  Probably a little tired, a little emotional and just feeling like I was failing as a parent.  Nothing major, just a few fits from Bella and stubborness from Holland.  All rolled into 3 days over the weekend brought me to frustration wondering what I'm doing wrong.  Zach had to work late Monday and when he came home I unleashed my frustration with myself as a Mom.  He encouraged me, helped me come up with some different ways to handle the particular situations and then when we went to bed he prayed for the girls, for their obedience, for me in my parenting, etc.  I woke up Tuesday morning refreshed and not so down on myself.  And Tuesday was AMAZING.  No fits, no stubborness.  I can't even explain it.  Tuesday night we prayed similar prayers and Wednesday morning together at breakfast too.  And voila, Wednesday was amazing!  The Lord never ceases to amaze me.  He cares even about the little things which to us, are not so little but to him, they really are.  And I don't know why I forget to pray for these particular things when I'm frustrated but He is always glorified because really, He always answers!  Must be why the Bible says to "pray continually..."  :-) 

It doesn't matter what we're going through, even if it's not something major.  If we ask, He will answer.  God is glorified once again.  Thank you Jesus!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Another Day Closer...

Yesterday morning, my dad gave me some wise words, in lue of our baby still not making its appearance at what is now 10 days past due date, "Well, bud (my nickname), your another day closer." Made me smile since that is really the only way we can look at our situation. There is no way of counting down the days at this point and no way of knowing the minute anything will start happening. So what do we do? Do I sit down and weep because baby hasn't come leaving me in this huge pregnancy state (tried that), does time stop while we wait (nope boys are still growing and our life keeps going), so what do I/we do?

Those words given to me by my dad were a gift, not only from my earthly father to make me smile but from my heavenly father to give me a push out of being self absorbed and realizing it is in His hands, everything is. He also led me to realize how relevant these words are to the time of our Lord's return and that everyday we wake up we are another day closer to seeing Him face to face in our new home. Like in my situation and being over due, the Lord's return can be any minute, any day. We do not have a time line or a count down to that glorious day. So how do we act while waiting? His Word is the best resource. :-)

Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord's return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen. You, too, must be patient. Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near. ~James 5:7-8

Well, we could be like me, in my low points, over the last 3 weeks and be lost in my own self, seeing only what hasn't come to us, letting depression cloud what joy is around us, let worry and doubt set in, and not living life through whatever path God has for us, but instead just sitting down and doing nothing (this wasn't all the time but on and off through out the last few weeks). We suffer in doing this and God's kingdom suffers when we stop looking for Him and being who he wants us to be. Instead, let us be what I have come to realize, and that is waiting patiently and eagerly for the time to come. Let us be waiting with excitement, not forgetting the life he has planned for us here and now, because like we know this baby will come, the truth is that Jesus will return. No matter what stage of life we are in, newborn or 101, everyday we are yet another day closer. :-)

Love Steph

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

For parents

I just finished reading Dobson's Bringing Up Girls [which I do highly recommend]. It ends with a poem that almost made me cry; thought I'd share it with you. ~Becca

A Child Loaned
by Edgar Guest
"I'll lend you for a little time
A child of mine," He said.
"For you to love the while she lives,
And mourn for when she's dead.
"It may be six or seven years
Or twenty-two or three.
But will you, till I call her back,
Take care of her for me?
"She'll bring her charms to gladden you,
And should her stay be brief,
You'll have her lovely memories
As solace for your grief.
"I cannot promise she will stay,
Since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught down there
I want this child to learn.
"I've looked this wide world over
In my search for teachers true.
And from the throngs that crowd life's lane,
I have selected you.
"Now, will you give her all your love,
And not think the labor vain?
Nor hate me when I come to call
And take her back again?
I fancied that I heard them say,
"Dear Lord, thy will be done.
For all the joy thy child shall bring,
The risk of grief we'll run.
"We'll shelter her with tenderness,
We'll love her while we may.
And for the happiness we know,
Forever grateful stay.
"But should the angels call for her
Much sooner than we planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes
And try to understand."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Grace Defeats The Monster...

The other day, Rick had me listen to a song called "Monster" by Skillet and he shared with me that he sometime feels exactly like the words in the lyrics. Here are the words to the song:

The secret side of me
I never let you see
I keep it caged but I can't control it
So stay away from me
The beast is ugly
I feel the rage and I just can't hold it
Its scratching on the walls
In the closet, in halls
It comes awake and I can't control it
Hiding under the bed
In my body, in my head
Why won't somebody come and
save me from this
Make it end
I feel it deep within
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I feel like a monster
My secret side I keep
Hide under lock and key
I keep it caged but I can't control it
'Cause if I let him out
He'll tear me up, break me down
Why won't somebody come and save me from
this make it end
Its hiding in the dark
Its teeth are razor sharp
There is no escape for me
It wants my soul and it wants my heart
No one can hear me scream
Maybe its just a dream
Or maybe its inside of me
Stop this monster

When I first heard the words, I was felt horrible that Rick felt like this sometimes, but the more I thought about it, the more I had to agree that all of us probably feel like a monster at some point in our lives. We all have that monster in us, just hiding under our skin. We do live in this fallen world and all us have sin in our lives because of it. I would actually be a little worried if you didn't think you were a monster or had sin your life.  Feeling unworthy is natural and brings us to the feet of God.  Even Paul talks about this monster in Romans- "And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is good, but I don't. I don't want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway... I love God's law with all my heart. but there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death?" (7:18-19, 22-24)  In fact it is addressed often in the New Testament.  However, there is more to the story.  This song is not complete.  The answer to the question who will save me, is Jesus. :-)  "God declared an end to sin's (the monster) control over us by giving his Son as a sacrifice for our sins... Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation to do what your sinful nature urges you to do.  For if you live by its dictates, you will die.  But if through the power of the Spirit you put to death the deeds of your sinful nature, you will live." (Romans 8:3,12-13)  This is what is so awesome and powerful, that even though all of us have that monster in us and it rears its ugly head now and then, by God's grace we have Jesus living in us, if we so choose, to defeat that monster.  Praise God and Amen to that!

Love Steph

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pleasing to God

...”You are My beloved Son, in You I am well pleased.”  Luke 3:22
This passage is God speaking from heaven after Jesus had been baptized by John and had received the Holy Spirit.  This was the beginning of Jesus’ three year ministry on earth, a ministry that would shake the foundations of the religious world and forever change our relationship with the Father.  It was also the declaration of war against the father of lies and his minions.  Jesus would spend the next three years reclaiming territory that Satan had occupied, transforming lives that had been damaged and destroyed by the works of the enemy, healing bodies ravaged by oppression, and teaching others how to do the things He was doing.  His birth brought the promise of this upcoming battle but this public blessing, the bestowing of the Spirit  and the confirmation by God that this was indeed His Son marked the beginning of a battle that will only be fully completed when Jesus returns for His bride.
Wait a minute!  God was telling His Son that He was pleased with Him at the beginning of the battle, even before Jesus’ public ministry had started, no one had been saved, no demons cast out, no dead person raised, no blind eyes opened, or deaf ears unstopped.  Jesus had not even taught one lesson, told one parable, called one disciple.  He had no track record of successful healings, resurrections, deliverances, salvations under His belt.  He was just starting out, stepping into His ministry.
So what was God so pleased about?  The words prior to His declaration of pleasure tell us in what He delighted.  God’s delight and pleasure was in the fact that Jesus was His Son.  Notice He didn’t add, “I am pleased with what you’ve done” or “I am pleased with what you are about to do”.  God was pleased with Jesus because He was His Son.  He was pleased because of who Jesus was not with what He was doing or going to do.  Simply being His Son brought Him pleasure, it was not tied to doing.
How many times I have read these words and in my mind I fast forwarded to all the things Jesus was going to do, the lives he would forever touch, the church that would result from His time on earth and I would view these words as pleasure in what Jesus was doing.  Of course God would find pleasure in all those things Jesus was doing.  But today these words went in with no fast forwarding or assumptions of what was pleasing to God only the reality of God’s pleasure in Jesus being His Son.  How many of us in the Western world are driven to do, find our value in what we do, and value others by what they do instead of finding pleasure simply by who someone is?  How many of us have spent our lives doing, to earn love, value, acceptance instead of resting secure in the knowledge that we are a pleasure to God simply because we are His child?  Could it be that easy?  
I hope you will join me in pondering this truth, really taking it into your spirit and being honest about what you find.  Do you believe that God finds pleasure in you because of who you are?  Or do you feel you have to earn love, work for acceptance, strive to be good enough to please Him?  What things are keeping you from knowing that you are a pleasure to God?  Have you experienced the Father heart of God?
Such a simple truth but what a huge difference it makes once it becomes your truth.
Blessings on your journey into higher truth

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A poem to share

In our homeschool journey, the girls and I have been reading lots of different poems. Wanting to expose them to something different, I dug out my college lit textbooks and found this gem from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. I really love it. ~Becca

                    SAID TO THE PSALMIST

    TELL me not, in mournful numbers,
        Life is but an empty dream ! —
    For the soul is dead that slumbers,
        And things are not what they seem.

    Life is real !   Life is earnest!
        And the grave is not its goal ;
    Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
        Was not spoken of the soul.

    Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
        Is our destined end or way ;
    But to act, that each to-morrow
        Find us farther than to-day.

    Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
        And our hearts, though stout and brave,
    Still, like muffled drums, are beating
        Funeral marches to the grave.

    In the world's broad field of battle,
        In the bivouac of Life,
    Be not like dumb, driven cattle !
        Be a hero in the strife !

    Trust no Future, howe'er pleasant !
        Let the dead Past bury its dead !
    Act,— act in the living Present !
        Heart within, and God o'erhead !

    Lives of great men all remind us
        We can make our lives sublime,
    And, departing, leave behind us
        Footprints on the sands of time ;

    Footprints, that perhaps another,
        Sailing o'er life's solemn main,
    A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
        Seeing, shall take heart again.

    Let us, then, be up and doing,
        With a heart for any fate ;
    Still achieving, still pursuing,
        Learn to labor and to wait.

Monday, January 24, 2011


"May all who search for you be filled with joy and gladness in you." ~Psalm 40:36a

I am not sure all what was taught this last week since I missed the sermon being downstairs with the kiddos, but I think part of the idea was the question "do you have the desire for a relationship with God?" Well, do you? Do you search for him? Seek him? Long for him? I hope and pray you do. The benefits of searching for him are so numerous, resulting in finding the prize- a relationship with our Heavenly Father. Today as I read the verse up above I began pondering my desire and search for a relationship with God. What I have came up with is that in my walk with God, each path you take is different. Confessing now that at different times I am searching for Him more than others. There have been times when I have gone months without reading the Bible and other times when I can barely put it down. I have also seen this same pattern in others around me. I assume that we all have our moments of searching to no end for God and other moments of kicking up our feet saying we are tired and we will search tomorrow. Do you also notice the difference in how you handle the world around you in those 2 different situations? When you are searching and find yourself close to Him, isn't it true that really nothing can take your joy away? No matter how bad things seem to be falling and crashing around you, you are filled with joy and gladness because of Him. And then also isn't it true that when have decided that you are to tired to search at that moment, those same troubles seem to hit you harder and you find yourself in a joyless and lost state?

So what to do? To tell you the truth I am not sure of the answer but, I do believe it all goes back to the balance of VU VI VO (vision up, vision in, vision out). When you find yourself in a place that you can't smile and the joy is gone out of your life, something is out of kilter. You are unbalanced in your walk with God. Examine your life and ask yourself, have I stopped searching for God? Have I been to tired to try? If you find yourself in that spot don't delay in asking for help. Isn't that what your church family is for, to help you start that walk again. We are holding out our hands to help you stand back up and encourage you to continue your search. There is also another side of this for us as the family of Christ, we need to be more aware of our brothers and sisters and having more boldness to start encouraging those who have stopped searching to grab the hand we are holding out and grasp the strength from Jesus, he so freely gives, to continue that search.

Love Steph

Thursday, January 13, 2011

From Cold To Hot...

The weather around here is crazy sometimes. Last night milking was 20 degrees warmer than the night before, which was wonderful. This got me thinking about how this is similar to our life with or without Jesus. Without Jesus we are wandering and lost in a endless cold land of death. No matter how many layers of clothing you put on, the cold still seeps into your body and ultimately brings death. However, this can change in an instant. Accepting Jesus in your heart, is accepting the eternal warmth, the fire of the Holy Spirit into your life that can never be extinguished giving you power over death. Giving you eternal life. "So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God's wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. "~ Romans 5:21
How awesome is that. Thank you Jesus, is all I can say.

However, just like a wood burning fire you need to feed that flame to let it grow and become more effective in warming you up from the cold. Yes, you could always have a small flame to just get you by, but don't you just crave more? Don't you want a stronger relationship with Christ? That is how you build your fire and keep it burning strong. You fan the flames and feed the fire. Dig into the word, pray, listen, and live out who Jesus is in you. "This is why I remind you to fan into the flames the spiritual gift God gave you..." ~ 2 Timothy 1:6 If you stop and come to a point when you look around and find that fire is not keeping you as warm and life around you is all cold. Fall to Him, and lay it all out and redirect yourself to start feeding that fire again. And you will find that even when the cold surrounds you, it can cannot penetrate Jesus.

Love Steph