Thursday, March 31, 2011

Glorify the Lord with Me...

He deserves all the glory!

Monday night I laid the girls down and was so frustrated.  Probably a little tired, a little emotional and just feeling like I was failing as a parent.  Nothing major, just a few fits from Bella and stubborness from Holland.  All rolled into 3 days over the weekend brought me to frustration wondering what I'm doing wrong.  Zach had to work late Monday and when he came home I unleashed my frustration with myself as a Mom.  He encouraged me, helped me come up with some different ways to handle the particular situations and then when we went to bed he prayed for the girls, for their obedience, for me in my parenting, etc.  I woke up Tuesday morning refreshed and not so down on myself.  And Tuesday was AMAZING.  No fits, no stubborness.  I can't even explain it.  Tuesday night we prayed similar prayers and Wednesday morning together at breakfast too.  And voila, Wednesday was amazing!  The Lord never ceases to amaze me.  He cares even about the little things which to us, are not so little but to him, they really are.  And I don't know why I forget to pray for these particular things when I'm frustrated but He is always glorified because really, He always answers!  Must be why the Bible says to "pray continually..."  :-) 

It doesn't matter what we're going through, even if it's not something major.  If we ask, He will answer.  God is glorified once again.  Thank you Jesus!!

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