Monday, December 20, 2010

The power of testimony

    As Zach was teaching today on Luke 1 and the differences between the responses of Zechariah and Mary when confronted with Gabriel who bore a prophetic message for them, the words in verse 1:36 leapt off the page and began swirling around in my mind.  Both Zechariah and Mary received a prophecy about something that for each of them was equally impossible by earthly standards, a barren woman becoming pregnant and a virgin becoming pregnant.  Both Zechariah and Mary had questions about these impossible tasks with one difference.  While Zechariah asked for proof of what Gabriel had told him,  verse 36 tells us that Gabriel told Mary of Elizabeth’s miracle, her impossible pregnancy.  When Mary is asked to respond to her prophecy of another impossible pregnancy, she responds with “let it be done to me according to your word.”  These were huge words of extreme faith from one so young.
     Could some of the reason for Mary’s response of faith have been a result of the testimony of what God had already done for Elizabeth?  Mary didn’t need to ask for proof because she had just heard about Elizabeth’s miracle.  John was called to be a forerunner of Jesus, to prepare the way for Him.  Could his ministry have started while still in the womb, as a testimony of God’s ability to do the impossible, to a scared young girl who was being asked to be part of an impossible assignment?  How different might her answer have been had she not had the testimony of Elizabeth’s miracle?  
     As I was pondering on these questions, I could feel God impressing on me the importance of our testimonies and the power that these testimonies have to not only strengthen our faith as we retell them but to strengthen the faith of others who may be facing similar challenges, questioning whether this is actually from God, and wondering how to respond to the impossible thing that He is asking of them.  How blessed are those who have had a forerunner that has gone before them to break the ground and prepare the way for the impossibilities of God to become a possibility that we can accept with the swift, calm assurance of Mary.  
     We have all heard the stories of the Biblical heroes of faith, Abraham, Noah, Ruth, Esther, Joshua, Paul, the list goes on.  Do we really view these people as living, breathing people who were asked to do impossible things by God or are they just stories in a book?  How much more powerful is it when we hear stories of God’s prophecy, His promises, His provision from people we sit beside in church every Sunday, work with during the week, or who visit in our homes?  What if we actually started believing that God is still speaking and performing miracles in and for His children?  What if we started taking God at His word, expecting Him to show up, to answer our prayers in ways that are beyond our comprehension or imagination?  What if we actually began to be open and transparent about our stories and how God met us where we were, touched us with His love and grace, transformed us into victors instead of victims?  What if we viewed our testimonies as the miraculous touches of God they are and began telling others about what He has done for us and wants to do for them? 
        It is my prayer this Christmas season that we will all begin to look and act like forerunners, people who are preparing a way for others to find Jesus, by saying Yes to God when He asks of us the impossible and then walking in faith until it is accomplished.  My mind is reeling with the possibilities of unleashing the God of the impossible on this hurting and lost world...What if????
Merry Christmas 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Give Thanks

Yesterday afternoon Zach and I were able to sneak away for an afternoon just the two of us.  We stopped into Starbucks and got to use a gift card which someone from Hillside so generously gave to us a couple weeks ago.  We were chatting and watching the rain come down.  I looked up and saw a gentleman, arm in arm, with his wife who is blind, walking with a stick.  Starbucks was full of Christmas decorations, the lights on the trees were twinkling outside, and my heart stopped for a moment as I watched these two come inside. The thing that struck me was that she had the biggest smile on her face and yet, all she can do is hear, taste & touch.  I was enjoying watching Zach, whom I adore and could watch for hours.  I could see the Christmas decor, I could see the people breezing past, I could see the clouds, I could see my coffee and I could see her smile.  My heart instantly filled with extreme thankfulness.  When everything shakes out, we really have nothing to complain about.  Sure things don't go our way, sure we have bills to pay, sure we have to work hard & harder than others at times, sure we didn't get good sleep, etc. But we have life.  Life abundance.  Life from Jesus which produces joy in our hearts and love overflowing.  My hope this week is to keep in perspective this lady and what she misses out on each day, but the joy she carried even without sight.  I hope if a stranger sees me walk past, that the look on my face shows of God's love and thankfuless...  Let's GIVE THANKS...


Monday, November 15, 2010

A Lesson For All...

My wife, Cindy, and daughter, Stephanie, had a shopping day this last week.  My grandsons stayed home with their daddy and hung out on the farm with me.  As they were leaving, Maxson says, "Bye mommy and grandma."  Aiden then looks up and starts running towards the car with both arms up, crying big tears, saying "don't leave me mommy."So Rick goes and picks him up and brings him back.  Here then the lesson begins.  Maxson puts both hands on Aiden's shoulders and looks into his crying face and tells him " don't worry Aiden, mommy will come back, she always does."  Aiden still was having a hard time so I asked him, "do you need daddy to give you a four wheeler ride?"  "Yes, daddy, four wheeler ride," was his answer.  After daddy, Maxson and Aiden had their ride the day was a sucess for us all.

Like 3 year old Maxson knew his mommy was coming back because his mommy told him so, we must remember our heavenly Father will be coming back because He also told us so.  And let us not forget every now and then everyone needs a four wheeler ride or a little help.  It may be a family member, church member, co-worker, or friend but be ready and willing to give that ride if and when they need it.  I did not do this for a family member and everyday it bothers me.  So, please if you need a ride, call us here on the farm and Cindy, Rick, Stephanie, Matthew, Abbie, and myself are ready and willing to help you get that four wheeler ride. 

What a friend we have in Jesus

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Love the Lord your God

A couple weeks ago at Bible study we were reading through the Bible (of course). :-) We read a part of Deuteronomy which I love and hadn’t read for awhile… a long while actually.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9

5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

I am so thankful for our girls and feel blessed to get to shepherd them through life. What a great scripture to learn from and use as a guide. I pray, as parents at Hillside, we all continue to impress truth upon our children, talking with them always about Jesus, in the mornings, throughout our days and into the nights. May our homes be filled with His light and love.

Choose you this day whom ye will serve…

But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

Blessings to each of you,

Monday, November 8, 2010

When Troubles Come Your Way...

This week at church I was talking to a very wise women (thanks Julie :-)) about her experience with sorrowful and troubled times. We also talked about her joyful times and how they go hand in hand together. In her mind they can't be separated. (It is so true how we really don't have one without the other.) A few years back she had sat in with a group of ladies and was heart broken in how they viewed life. They all felt that they couldn't wait for better/more joyful times and were tired of living with troubles. I guess it depends on how you look at your troubles. You can take it as just a icky, horrible point in your life and wish for happier times or you can take your troubles and see the joy or growth that comes from God by living through them and actually live those happier times. "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." ~ James 1:2-4 Talking about this and thinking this all through made me think of this book I read to our boys called "The Person I Marry" by the same author, Gary Bower, of the book called "There is a Party in Heaven." Both are great, adorable books. Anyways, here is the quote that had me thinking:
All days won't be sunny; and during the rain,
my partner and I will be slow to complain.
We'll stick together the way that we vowed
no matter how dark and looming the cloud.
We'll look on the bright side. All hope isn't gone.
Our Lord just decided to water our lawn.
In loosing our little one last year we learned so much from God and how true His word is. I have probably spoke about this before but here is another reminder, how we can have joy in our troubles. Rick and I know this to be true, we experienced it first hand. We could have just looked at our whole situation as a sorrowful pit that we couldn't get out of (the heart break sure hurt enough) like the ladies only seeing their problems. But instead letting God into our lives and letting Him guide us and be there for us, we were able to find His joy, a joy that comes from growing in Him. If you look at your troubles as a horrible storm or rainy days, it is like having a garden or lawn, without the rain or water your garden or lawn would die and would not grow. I believe that our walk as Christian follows the same pattern. If we didn't have these troubles how would we ever grow and learn more about our loving God. Rick and I both agree, if we had never experienced loosing a child and going through a miscarriage we definitely would not have as deep of a relationship with our Lord, as we do now. We trust Him and have faith that He will guide us with that overflowing joy and peace in our hearts. "We are strong enough" with God, to have the endurance to go through the troubles of living in this world because of sin, with joy and needing nothing else but God and the love of Jesus. That is my prayer for myself and for you as my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Love Steph

Monday, October 25, 2010

Marine Corp Recruit Depot - Jake Reynolds

I thought this might be an easy way to share some pictures and video with everyone at Hillside about our mission to surprise and encourage Jake Reynolds last week as he graduated from the Marine Corps boot camp.  It was amazing to see him go from "recruit" to an official "United States Marine."  Thank you to each of you who helped us get there!

The entrance to MCRD...We made it through security on Thursday for Family & Friends Day.  We had to step out of our car, open all the doors, trunk and hood.  Those marines were so serious but we got them to smile.  :-)
 The first part of Friends & Family day consists of their "Mot Run" (aka motivation run).  The marines run for a few miles and while they are out running, their family and friends line the streets of the depot ready to cheer them on as they see their sons, nephews, brothers, etc. for the first time in 10 1/2 weeks.
 I have video of the Mot Run which I will post soon.  This is a picture of Jake's squad upon arrival after their many mile trek. There were 8 squads, a total of 527 graduating marines.  Their age range is from 18-28, average age is 19.
 Of course they are lined up, looking straight forward but I found Jake (he didn't see us) to snap a first close up shot.
 And they were off again to run some more, until we would meet up in a bit...
 We moved in front of a huge theater to await for the recruits to run back, line up again, be addressed by their commanders and head out, once again, to run some more.  (I was tired just watching them!)
 Such straight lines!
 We spent a couple of hours within the theater as their commanders addressed friends and family, showed us a video of their training over the past 10 1/2 weeks (very impressive!) and answer questions.  We headed out to the parade deck and found all of the marines lined up, showered, in uniform, awaiting for our arrival.
 Once seated, all of the marines came out, paraded on the parade deck in uniform.  Jake was one of the squad leaders, pretty cool!  He was one of the top in his squad of 60-ish men.  He is in the front row, far left, next to the marine with the red flag.
 A new man...
 He still has not seen us yet, or his family.  And it's been hours since the Mot Run by this time!
 After the commander gives them leave for 5 hours that day, they break up and Jake's family (who we had found in the crowd and introduced ourselves too) came down from the bleachers to hug Jake.  As Jake hugged one of his family, he looked towards us.  He looked right at me and the look on his face was like, I know them...then he looked at Zach and the look on his face was priceless!  Tears filled his eyes and he just said over and over and over, "Oh my!" "Oh my!"  We hugged and all he kept saying was that he couldn't believe we were there.  His family also couldn't believe that his pastor would fly so far.  God was glorified through Hillside that day!  Amazing!
 Jake telling us a to his older brother Nick.
 After lunch with everyone.  The restaurant on base fed all 527 marines and their families and friends.  Now that's a lot of food!
 The next morning was Graduation.  The marines had all of their bags out on the parade deck, perfectly uniform, exactly the same.  Wow. 
 Zach and I saw some of these guys practicing for Graduation before the ceremony.
 The stands were filled with all of the marine's loved ones.  They came out in their, even more official uniforms.
 And paraded across the parade deck.  Amazing!  We heard the US Marine band too.  With the flag flying high we were filled with thanksgiving and awe of our country and the freedom that we do have here.  It's incredible what these men and women do for us.
 Jake is in the front row, on the left, next to the man with the flag.
 Walking right in front of the stands.
 Jake :-)

 After graduation!  He is given 10 days of leave before he heads back down to Cali for a 28 day infantry training.  He is a different person today then just a few short weeks ago.  He is very respectful, articulate, talks so fast and can endure any kind of yelling in his face. :-)
 This was such a fantastic trip in so many ways!
I did have to share an extra picture.  As we landed on Thursday morning, it was one of the roughest landings I've ever experienced.  The plane sped up in the sky and within seconds hit the we vertically went straight down, or that's how it felt.  And came to an abrupt stop.  An older gentleman sitting next to me proceeded to share with us that San Diego is the 10th most dangerous airport in the world.  Thanks for sharing after the fact, sir!  The descent is literally right over the city so in order not to hit any buildings, you have to go straight down and land, and the bay is right there so then you have to stop abruptly.  Pretty crazy!
Thank you again Hillside for you love and support.  I will try to post some videos soon. :-)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Shield Of Faith...

Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. ~Ephesians 6:18b

Last Sunday it was so good to pray together and pray for each other. I love it. And since Zach will be teaching about the armor of God over the next couple of weeks, I thought I would share my thoughts from this week. As we were praying over Caleb and Julie on Sunday, both Rick and I got the image of the church surrounding them from all sides with shields lifted and swords drawn in prayer for protection. What an amazing image to have when we pray for each other that we, the church, are surrounding those we pray for with shields. As I was thinking about this image the thought of the movie 300 came to mind (I know another reference to the 300 and it isn't Zach this time. :-)). The warriors, the 300, go into battle knowing, trusting, having no doubt in their minds that the men fighting at their side will have their backs. They trust each other completely with their lives to hold up their shields and fight and not lower their guard or give up. Isn't that how we should be as the church, trusting completely that our fellow brothers and sisters are praying for us with compassion and earnest with shields up to protect each other when we need it. When one of us looses sight of Jesus and his church, their shield is lowered allowing the enemy to sneak in from behind and attack the unknowing church. So lets be like the soldiers of 300 and stay alert and persistent in our prayers for each other and trusting that we are not letting our brothers and sisters down. Lets hold up our shields for one another and surround each other in prayer. Thank you God for giving us Your armor to fight against the enemy.

Love Steph

Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Little Thought

Psalm 18:35

You give me your shield of victory,
and your right hand sustains me;
you stoop down to make me great.

Yesterday I was studying and came across this part of Psalm 18, verse 35. ..."you stoop down to make me great." This verse is talking of Jesus (especially if you read leading up to it). I thought about how amazing it was that in the context of Jesus, he did stoop down to make me great. I was nothing until I accepted the sacrifice he made so that I could have new life, eternal life.

And then it got me thinking about me and how I am day to day. Because of our life as a pastor and pastor's wife, my days are usually full of preparing for something...a Bible study, a women's group, a men's group, dinner guests, church preparation, sunday school prep, a meal for someone, etc. I always include the girls in all I do but I haven't put much thought into the fact that most of the time when we're getting ready that I am standing and they are far below me, looking up to me. I thought, if Jesus would stoop down to make me great, why can't I stoop down for our girls more to make them great? I'm not saying that I don't ever go down to their level, I am just saying that I need to more often.

As I awoke this morning I prayed and thanked the Lord for stooping down to make me great and I prayed he would make me mindful of this teaching throughout our day today. Many times, I have knelt down next to the girls and I can't tell how how much their faces have shown pure joy as we're eye to eye.

I also prayed for the holy spirit to fill me to overflowing today. And honestly, I am teary as I'm typing. My sister in law is going through a very rough time and even though my heart is breaking for her, and many others around me who are hurting or weak, I am truly full of joy today. I can't explain it. All I can say is that I am praising God today for teaching me even in simple lessons and humbling me constantly. I am no where's near being a perfect Mom (nor will I ever be) and I am just thankful that he can mother through me. I say bring it on God! Thank you Lord for today, for joy through suffering and for stooping down to make me great. :-)


Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I came across this verse when I was reading and it reminded me of the mission of Hillside. To live Vision Up, Vision In and Vision Out:

Psalm 42:8

By day the LORD directs his love,
at night his song is with me—
a prayer to the God of my life.

 "By day the Lord directs his love" out. If I surrender myself to the Lord, each morning when I awake, he will direct his love through me. Whether it's love to our husbands, our wives, our children, our co-workers, our friends, our families or complete strangers. "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35 Praying the Lord directs his love through each of you throughout your days.

"at night his song is with me--" in. Almost every night I pray that my thoughts would be his thoughts and that the Lord would fill my mind and heart while we sleep. Our God can minister to us even while we are asleep. Praying that our vision in would be found to be full of the holy spirit's fruit. Hmmm...if his song is with us while we sleep and rest, how much bolder would our love be directed throughout our days?

"a prayer to the God of my life" up. God in my waking, God in my sleeping, God in my waiting, God in my resting, God in my hurting, God in my healing... These things will remain true as we worship and adore our one true living God. The alpha and omega, perfector of our faith.


This last Sunday as church was beginning, I sat in the back row and looked around at everyone. My heart was overflowing with love for each of you and an extreme measure of gratitude for my family at Hillside. I truly love and care for you. And my prayer is that each of us would continue to live with vision up, vision in and vision out. Let us not forget or grow weary. If you are tired, worn out, distracted, scared, hurting, sick, lonely, frustrated, worried or weak...please take your cares directly to the God who gives you life. He will fill you.

Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 28-30

Praying for each of you tonight that we may be a mighty army living VU, VI and VO!


Why Wait?...

You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasure of living with you forever. " ~ Psalm 16:11

Living with God starts now or the minute we accept Jesus into our lives, changing who we are forever. Why wait to live eternally when we are in heaven, but instead accept His presence and let Him show you the pleasures of living with Him for eternity now. Of course this world isn't perfect and we are all going to struggle with something, but His way is perfect. It is how we look at the things of this world, do we look at it through the eyes of our old self, with fear and doubt, or do we look through the eyes as an eternal being in the presence of God, whose strength and truth we can rely on? I have been there, I have let that fear of living in a non eternal world take hold in my life when thinking of trying to conceive after loosing our baby last fall. I didn't want to go through that kind of heart ache and pain ever again. Who would? However, seeking God's continual presence (being in the word, praying, and worshiping) and allowing myself the reassurance that he never left my presence in the first place (letting faith take over), I could allow Him to show me the way of life, granting me the joy of his presence, and the prelasure of living with him forever, which is having no fear. The 18th Psalm was presented to me at the time which opened my eyes to the fact that it wouldn't be me alone going through that pain again if it so happened. I wouldn't have to rely on my own strength to get through this imperfect life. In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall. (~ Psalm 18:29) I knew at that moment I could make it through another miscarriage (even though I have no desire to do so) and I didn't have to be afraid of trying to have another baby. Living eternally here on earth doesn't make life any easier, but it allows us to see this life in a whole different way, allowing God to lead us and be there for us. The benefits of eternal living are so much better. :-)

Love Steph

Honeymoon Phase...

Less daunting as team
You, unlikely king by my side
And me, so much better for trusting you
My hand over your heart
While you keep hindrances at bay
Color me surprised by how our union saves the day

Over the weekend, I watched my new favorite movie, "The Prince Of Persia," where I heard these words to the song that Allanis Morisett wrote called "I Remain". This song, along with going to a wedding shower this last weekend and having to write advice to the new bride, made me think of Psalm 45 again (I read it all the time. :-)) and marriages.

I am sure you have all heard or been told, "enjoy the honeymoon phase while it lasts." Why do people say that to young couples? (Drives me crazy) Who is to say the honeymoon phase can't last all the days of your life together? It can and if you allow it, the honeymoon phase will last forever. That is my advice to young couples, live your marriage out like a constant honeymoon, cherishing your love for each other, treasure the gift God has given you, and keep God as the center of your lives. Speaking to the ladies, as Zach taught let your husband be the hero (play the roll of Jesus) in the epic movie of your life and you be the love of his life (playing the role of the church). "For your royal husband delights in your beauty; honor him, for he is your Lord." Psalm 45:11

I feel so blessed to not only be married to the most amazing man, but to also be surrounded by wonderful women who feel the same way about their own husbands. I pray that never ceases. I pray for this to grow in others beyond those around us. Let us, let the world know and teach by our actions of honoring our husbands and living the honeymoon forever. Let the honeymoon phase be our whole life here on earth with our wonderful husbands, our Kings whom we trust. Who knows what God has planned for each of us, but like the lyrics of the song say, together with God, your union might one day save the day.

Love Steph

Sunday, August 22, 2010


How encouraging to read all the posts, the comments made are admonishing as well as teaching even edifying-------I enjoyed reading them & will be back to read more & post.

"To Hillside, a much needed oasis in the desert of life."
Love you all,

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Not Just For The Birds...

We have this huge cherry tree in my parents back yard that I can see from out our front window. Every year it is the same story, we watch the cherries growing and look forward to when they turn red so we can eat some delicious fruit. And again every year it is the same old story with the birds swooping in and eating all the cherries just before they are really ripe for us to pick. The other day I was sitting on our couch watching the tree move and sway, not from it being really windy, but from having so many birds pecking at the cherries and flying in and our of the tree. I was thinking, you stupid birds, why do you always have steal all of the fruit before we can get to eat any of it? And sitting there some more I started thinking about what Jesus said while teaching about worry.

"That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life- whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn't life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?...So don't worry about these things..., your heavenly father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
" ~ Matthew 6:25-27, 31-33

Here I was watching God take care of his creation, his birds, by providing a tree full of fruit that they could eat. What a different perspective that was for me. Instead of being angry at the birds for eating all the cherries, I was sitting there on my couch looking out our front window with total awe and amazement and comfort at knowing God does take care of us and provide for us. Just look out your window and look into your life and see all that God provides his whole creation. God is amazing! We truly should not worry about provision. :-)

Love Steph

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

From the 8YO

A few weeks ago, Kaitlyn got her arm caught in the banister of our stairs, so she and I made a trip to the ER for x-rays. As we were leaving, I called Cammie to ask for prayer. Kaitlyn was teary when she told me it really helped to know Zach and Cammie were praying for her right then. That it was nice to have someone not family praying for her. And then she said it was good to go to a church like Hillside.

You guys are awesome. Thank you for being faithful, active disciples. You are shaping my children's view of the church, and it's ever so much healthier than my view at their ages. ~Becca

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Only Ask...

"Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the whole earth as your possession." Psalm 2:8

Only Ask
, and you shall receive.

Zach preaches to Pray big. Are we? Or do we just pray in our comfort zone? Or have we broke out of that mold and pray for things unimaginable? "...through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." Ephesians 3:20

Praying big is a lesson that I am learning right now and I am trying not to be afraid to embrace it. Have you ever been afraid to pray? Sometimes I have felt this way and have felt that when I pray for things, they just go the opposite way, so why even bother. But that is just Satan trying to deter me from praying and going to God in faith. So I encourage you to go boldly and confidently into God's presence (Ephesians 3:12) and don't be afraid to pray and Pray big.

Love Steph

God, faith prayer

Like for so many of you, David and I find ourselves with much going on. This concern with this kid, that concern with that one, and waiting for God's leading on a new job for one or the other of us. For a Bible study I had to look up Matthew 6:34 and memorize it. I love to go to and check out all the versions of a verse. This is the one I have posted on my mirror, carry around with me and have half memorized in 3 days: Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes [Matthew 6:34 The Message].

Heavenly Father:
I lift all that's going on in my life, all the craziness swirling around. I put all this in Your hands, sit back and remind myself You are my shepherd and You will provide all I need when I need it. As my needs change so too will your provision. Help me this day not to get worked up about what may or may not happen. I know You will help me deal with whatever comes; You always have before now. Help me to focus on this day and see Your blessings in this day. Amen


Thursday, May 6, 2010


Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.
James 1:17,18
God chose to give us life and he provided true spiritual life by the giving us life in the gospel. He wants each of us to become the finest offering to God, models of life as God intended it to be. I've really been thinking about being his firstfruit this week and wondering if my life is just that. I am taking a step back to see which of his fruits are evident, and which are missing. My prayer is that each of us at Hillside will seek to have the holy spirit fill us with his fruit so that "we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created." He did create each of us, and did intend for us all to have new life in him. The old life is gone... I pray the new life has come.
Praying for each of you,

In Your Arms...

Yesterday morning, Aiden woke up early (poor little guy has a cold) and so we snuggled on the couch, just being mommy and her little man. Aiden usually wakes up in the morning and from naps all snugly and wants to be held for awhile (to this mommy's delight :-)) We don't usually say much to each other, we just enjoy snuggling and being in each other presence. As I was sitting their holding my baby boy, I wondered if this is how God feels when we wake up and spend time with him. Whether its praying, worshiping, reading the word, or just being in his presence. Does he feel like me (in some sense)? Does he the sense of peace, contentment, and joy that your children bring when they come to you, love you, say it, and cling to you. I can only imagine that how he feels is just a fraction of how I feel. Thank you God for the glimpses of you. I pray that we all wake up a little early in the morning and snuggle in our Father's arms. :-)

Love Steph

"It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening." ~Psalm 92:2

"Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love." ~Psalm 59:16b

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Attention Ladies...

With living in a world that opts for easy in/easy outs for marriages, we need to stand guard for our own marriages. Rick and I have been blessed with an awesome marriage in that we fit the mold for God's calling of a husband and wife. We truly are blessed with this gift from God, but we each pray that we never take that for granted. We pray that we always treat our marriage as that precious gift that God has given us. I have been thinking a lot about what we could offer a couple who is having a rough time or who doesn't fit in that calling very easily. (It is a hard one for us to say since we never have lived it.) Reading today in the Psalms (my fave), I came across Psalm 45:1-7, which reads:
Beautiful words stir my heart.
I will recite a lovely poem about the king,
For my tongue is like the pen of a skillful poet.
You are the most handsome of all.
Gracious words stream from your lips.
God himself has blessed you forever.
Put on your sword, O mighty warrior!
You are so glorious, so majestic!
In your majesty, ride out to victory,
defending truth, humility, and justice.
Go forth to perform awe-inspiring deeds!
Your arrows are sharp, piercing your enemies' hearts.
The nations fall beneath your feet.
Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever.
You rule with a scep0ter of justice.
You love justice and hate evil.
Therefore God, your God has anointed you,
pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else.

Reading this made me think of how we, as wives, can pray for our husbands. It doesn't matter how easily we fit our calling as a wife, we can always pray and we should always pray. Pray for him to be all the things God has called him to be. Pray for his heart to be filled with the truth, to have humility, and fight for what is right. Pray for yourself too that you will always see him how God sees him- strong, powerful, handsome defender, and a joy to you. When you pray for him how can you not love him even more, draw closer to him, and thus building a stronger relationship between the two of you. Our husbands are a precious gift from God and if we always see him and love him as such, opting out would never even cross our minds. I am not saying that this will make everything easy (it won't for some) or that our husbands won't ever disappoint (they are human and not our one true unfailing God), but pouring your love out and watering your marriage (with God's help), it will never fail (reread 1 Corinthians 13). So lets pray, pray, pray!

Love Steph

Monday, May 3, 2010

My Prayer For You...

Ephesians 1:16-20, 3:14-21


I can't stop thanking you for the family at Hillside, I pray for them constantly. I ask you God, glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give Hillside spiritual wisdom and insight so that they might grow in your knowledge of You. I pray that their hearts will be flooded with light so that they can understand the confident hope You give to those You have called-- Your holy people who are your rich and glorious inheritance.
I also pray that Hillside will understand the incredible greatness of Your power for us who believe in You. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him in the place of honor at Your right hand in the heavenly realms.
I fall to my knees and pray Father, You the creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from Your glorious, unlimited resources You will empower Hillside with inner strength through Your spirit. Then Christ will make His home in our hearts as we trust in him. Our roots will grow down into Your love, God, and keep us strong. And may Hillside have the power to understand, as all Your people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep Your love is. May Hillside experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then Hillside will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from You, God.
All Glory to You, Father, who is able through Your mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to You in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.

Love Steph

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mighty Warriors

My favorite moment of the day today:

I was sitting down over by the wall during church, taking care of the girls. I stood up and looked around and almost every single person was sitting at tables with colorful notecards in hand, writing encouraging words to an unknown family. From the gift this young man is receiving, you'd think our church was 200 strong. But in fact, Hillside is a small, very strong, mighty group of warriors with radical loving hearts. I just wanted to tell you all how thankful I am for each of you. May you be strengthened this week as you live ~ VU VI VO.


The Lord is a warrior, the Lord is his name.
Exodus 15:3

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sometimes I just have to smile up to the heavens...

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavnly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?..." "...But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." ~Jesus Matthew 6:25-27 & 33-34
It was about 3 weeks ago that I scheduled Bella's heart surgery. After talking to her case manager at Emanuel, I started to think one day about the financial costs of this surgery and how much our insurance would cover. I remember just stopping in my tracks and praying, "Lord, you know exactly what we will need. Please provide for us, thank you Jesus." I hadn't thought about it since. On Sunday I walked into church and someone handed me a check from someone else outside of the church to help cover Bella's doctor's bills. I stood in awe with my mouth dropped open. Here we are, we have yet to start receiving the barrage of bills and already the Lord was providing for us in advance. God is sooo good, all the time.
I know the Lord hears our prayers and I know He always answers, in his timing, in his way. I've come to the point in my faith where all I can do is smile. He never ceases to amaze me day to day. This answer to prayer has strengthened my faith once again and will only encourage me to cast all my cares upon him. :-)
My encouragement to you is to do the same. Draw near to him, and he will draw near to you.
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess. 5:16-18
In His Service,

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cold, Hot or just Lukewarm?

This past week at work I was issued a new phone and this required me to go down to the service center to help get it setup. I walked in and gave the phone to the service technician and he proceeded to help me with the setup of the new phone. We were working on the last component of setting it up and it was not going well. He ended up calling for technical support and the first person he talked with he blew up at, hung up on them and proceeded to tell me how stupid this person was. This did not sit well with me and I prayed, Lord do I say something to this guy that is older than my own father about his actions? The service technician then asked me for the password that I used to protect the phone. My password was Revelation 3:16. He then looks at me with a puzzled look and says interesting. He then starts to think and then asks what does this verse say since he cannot recall it.

I replied, “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”

He did not say much after this except he asked me were I went to church and he finished helping me setup my phone. The interesting part is that the next couple of people for technical support that he talked with he treated with a great deal of respect.

Today I write this to you for two reasons. First is to encourage all of us to be who we say we are in season and out of season, since you will never now who you will encounter. The other part is to encourage those that are talking the talk without walking the walk to stop immediately. I am not sure about you, for myself though, I know that I do not wanted to be vomited from Christ’s mouth if I am not actively seeking and serving Him. I encourage all that have become lax in their walk with Christ to surrender your lives again to Him and be hot once and forevermore.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bountiful Crops...

Do you remember the movie "Speed" with Keanu Reeves? At the beginning of the movie the bomb squad is called to a bomb threat. Two guys from the squad (one being Keanu) are sent to assess the situation and while they are waiting for the green light, they start asking each other "what do you do?" scenario questions to keep their minds focused. "Hostage situation, bad guy has a hostage in arm, what do you do?" Okay, the answer to this particular question isn't important for us, but the "what do you do" scenario question is. I am going to ask you a scenario question. God grace gives you Jesus, Jesus' love for us gives you a free gift of salvation, he calls your name, "what do you do?"

Reading the other day I came across the verse "You drench the plowed ground with rain, melting the clods and leveling the ridges. You soften the earth with showers and bless its abundant crops." ~psalm 65:10 After mulling over this verse I came to the "what do you do?" scenario question. God call us to plant seeds and be disciples of the nations. Yes, he calls our name, so what do you do. We have to act on that call. "My heart has heard you say,"Come and talk with me." And my heart responds, "Lord, I am coming."" ~Psalm 27:8 Are you willing to stand up and say I am here Lord, I am coming?

In my previous post, getting your garden to grow, I talked about digging your garden deep to lay the foundation for bountiful crops. This doesn't have to be done all alone. God helps you. You just have to take those first initial steps of faith, take action to his call of your name and start digging and God will rain down on you blessings to level and soften those pesky ridges and dirt clods, preparing a healthy seed bed for his bountiful crops.

Love Steph

Friday, March 12, 2010

Getting Your Garden To Grow...

Easy right?... just use the rototiller and work up the ground, plant the seeds, water, and whalah, abundant fresh veggies and fruits... mmmm... maybe not so easy. After you are able to quickly enough work up the ground with rototiller and plant and water then you fight those pesky weeds that you continuously have to pull so they don't choke out your small plants. Is there a better way? Rick has been reading a lot about gardening (trying to figure out how to do a better job of growing more of our own food, hence saving us some cash at the grocery store). He has come across what is called deep bed gardening, where digging by hand a section of land about 2 feet deep, working it, cleaning out all the weeds deep at the root as he goes. This is hard work, a long, slow process of digging deep to get your garden ready. Then the seeds can be planted and let the water and light do there job and not worrying about weeds with an end result of a abundant harvest.

Lets see, remember the saying for Hillside, "long, slow, deep" that we hear from Zach all the Is it the same as what Rick is finding with gardening. He started thinking about this after a sermon a couple of weeks ago about rototilling a garden ( I missed that one, but we have talked about it ever since). Do we just rototill our gardens so they look pretty from time to time, by saying and doing all the right things, but only spreading and hiding the weeds, which easily grow back. Thus causing us to continually have to weed, but never getting to the root and getting rid of the weed completely. It isn't something we can do quickly. It is something we will have to work hard at and struggle with to dig down deep and clean out the roots of the weeds. God's grace, Jesus' saving sacrifice, and the Holy Spirit's power living in us, help us get to that deep to the pure soil for the seeds to grow (the fruits to share with others for the glory of God). Do you have that thirst, the longing to grow such harvests? If you do, dig deep into the word and continuously pray, and "Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him." ~Psalm 62:5, and know that "The river of God has plenty of water: it provides a bountiful harvest of grain." ~Psalm 65:9.

Love Steph


The other night some friends were over and we were talking about the big earthquake that we experienced back in 93 (I know, this was a long time ago!). But as we chatted we talked about how when the earthquake started we had no idea how it would end. Would our houses be standing? Would the roof cave in? Would we be alive? So as it was happening, I know for me, I was about 14 and I shared a room with my sister who was 8. I remember hearing her crying and I was telling her everything would be ok...but at the same time I had my eyes closed and was holding onto my trendle bed for dear life.

It wasn't until the quake was over that I let go, got off the bed and ran to my parents. How cool would it have been if instead of closing our eyes, covering our ears, holding still, if we would have jumped out of bed and seen what was going on outside? The ground rolling, the trees shaking, the pool moving! We tend to not enjoy the ride and trust God that he's going to bring us through something and that He's got a plan and will protect us. We stress in the middle of circumstances without knowing the outcome. And then we look back and say, "that wasn't so bad." Hindsight is what? 20/20. Our God always has a plan and I'm going to practice this the next time I am in the middle of something. Whether it's an earthquake, a storm of some sort, a sickness, whatever it might be. I am going to open my eyes, pray and trust that the Lord is carrying me through it. So that as the situation takes place, I don't miss out on the beauty of what God has to offer.

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
let the sea resound, and all that is in it;
let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them.
Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy;
they will sing before the Lord, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth.
He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in truth.
Psalm 96:10-13

Psalm 94:18-19

When I said, "My foot is slipping,"
your love, O Lord, supported me.
When anxiety was great within me,
your consolation brought joy to my soul.

So true for me this week...Thank you Lord for your love. Fill me with your fruit Lord Jesus!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Body Of Christ...

... we all belong to each other. ~ Romans 12:5 NLT

Monday, March 8, 2010

Controlled By The Spirit...

Yesterday during church, Zach asked, what does it look like if we are fruit trees instead of a decorated Christmas trees (in other words, being someone who bears fruit rather than someone who is decorated to look like a christian), and I have been thinking about that ever since. The thought came to me while reading today, that being a fruit tree looks like someone being controlled by the Holy Spirit. "Letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace." ~Romans 8:6b If we allow ourselves to be lead by the Holy Spirit all the things we listed yesterday will fall into place. We will know the fruit that God wants us to bear, the path he wants us to take, the ministry he has for us, the gift we are given to use, the part of the body of Christ we are suppose to be. "I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart." ~Psalm 40:8 The Holy Spirit allows us to see the instructions on our heart, he is our heart, he is the instruction. All we have to do is give the Spirit the lead of our life and ask him to take control. I know this won't be easy and God tells us so through out the Bible. "Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later." ~Romans 8:18 Just think of the future and the fruit that can be produced by God, for the glory of God if we let the Spirit take over our lives and we look past the difficulty and hardship that it might cause. Thank you Lord for your gift of the Holy Spirit!

Love Steph

Sunday, February 28, 2010

What Language Do You Speak?...

"They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world." ~Psalm 19:3-4

There is this old man that lives down the street from us. He is often sitting out on his front porch looking out at what is going on around him and smiling at those who drive by (including me). His face shines like you wouldn't believe and there is such sincerity behind his smile towards you that you feel the warmth and joy behind it. I don't know him personally. I don't know his background. I don't know his out look on life. I don't know what he believes from spoken words. But with the bright light he shines from within and the sparkle of joy in his eyes I know in my heart that Jesus lives in him. :-)

I read Psalm 19 yesterday and then drove by this old man today and saw him and couldn't help but think how he speaks those words and sends the message of hope and joy. My desire is to be that bright for Jesus and that illuminating. So when people drive by me or walk by me or talk with me know in their hearts that I am a child of God and Jesus lives and is deeply rooted in me.

I have always wanted to learn a different language, but this doesn't come naturally for me. However, to speak God's unspoken language, I believe it is in-bedded in all of us. All we have to do is ask and God will speak through us. I may have started to learn this language, but my desire is to speak it fluently, constantly, and consistently. I pray that for myself and all of you too.

So I ask you, what language do you speak?

Love Steph

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Call To Prayer...

"Paul and Barnabas also appointed elders in every church. With prayer and fasting, they turned the elders over to the care of the Lord, in whom they had put their trust." ~ Acts 14:14

Praying for the leadership of our church and the health of our church is so important. Just a reminder that even the early church prayed and laid their elders at the feet of God for the best of care. What better way to take care of our elders than in deep prayer and to allow and trust that through God they will take care of us in return. They care for each and everyone of you so much. I hope you know that. :-)

Love Steph

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Your Hands....

I heard this song today for the first time and I love it! I thought I would share it with all of you. We never leave His hands...
