Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Couple that prayers together...

Stays together...

And I believe it's true!

When Zach and I were first married we were so busy with his new job as a pastor, being newlyweds, etc. that we didn't pray together every night.  We prayed together a lot at different times throughout the day but not at night.  In Oct. 2005, I remember we had been married a year and we both decided we were going to make it a point to pray together every night.  And we've never stopped...  I cannot tell you how wonderful it is, with our heads lying next to one another, to come together, pray/praise about our day and pray for the next day, our future, the girls, safety, their future husbands, etc.  There have been nights when I've fallen asleep while he's praying or vice versa. :-)   In the morning at our breakfast dates we pray together as well.  And I wouldn't want it any other way.  I believe that prayer together with our spouses is what will keep our marriages strong in the Lord, keep us unified with our spouses and so we can make it to our 50th wedding anniversary. :-)  Or beyond!

A day hemmed in prayer seldom unravels...especially with our spouses...  :-)


Glorify the Lord with Me...

He deserves all the glory!

Monday night I laid the girls down and was so frustrated.  Probably a little tired, a little emotional and just feeling like I was failing as a parent.  Nothing major, just a few fits from Bella and stubborness from Holland.  All rolled into 3 days over the weekend brought me to frustration wondering what I'm doing wrong.  Zach had to work late Monday and when he came home I unleashed my frustration with myself as a Mom.  He encouraged me, helped me come up with some different ways to handle the particular situations and then when we went to bed he prayed for the girls, for their obedience, for me in my parenting, etc.  I woke up Tuesday morning refreshed and not so down on myself.  And Tuesday was AMAZING.  No fits, no stubborness.  I can't even explain it.  Tuesday night we prayed similar prayers and Wednesday morning together at breakfast too.  And voila, Wednesday was amazing!  The Lord never ceases to amaze me.  He cares even about the little things which to us, are not so little but to him, they really are.  And I don't know why I forget to pray for these particular things when I'm frustrated but He is always glorified because really, He always answers!  Must be why the Bible says to "pray continually..."  :-) 

It doesn't matter what we're going through, even if it's not something major.  If we ask, He will answer.  God is glorified once again.  Thank you Jesus!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Another Day Closer...

Yesterday morning, my dad gave me some wise words, in lue of our baby still not making its appearance at what is now 10 days past due date, "Well, bud (my nickname), your another day closer." Made me smile since that is really the only way we can look at our situation. There is no way of counting down the days at this point and no way of knowing the minute anything will start happening. So what do we do? Do I sit down and weep because baby hasn't come leaving me in this huge pregnancy state (tried that), does time stop while we wait (nope boys are still growing and our life keeps going), so what do I/we do?

Those words given to me by my dad were a gift, not only from my earthly father to make me smile but from my heavenly father to give me a push out of being self absorbed and realizing it is in His hands, everything is. He also led me to realize how relevant these words are to the time of our Lord's return and that everyday we wake up we are another day closer to seeing Him face to face in our new home. Like in my situation and being over due, the Lord's return can be any minute, any day. We do not have a time line or a count down to that glorious day. So how do we act while waiting? His Word is the best resource. :-)

Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord's return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen. You, too, must be patient. Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near. ~James 5:7-8

Well, we could be like me, in my low points, over the last 3 weeks and be lost in my own self, seeing only what hasn't come to us, letting depression cloud what joy is around us, let worry and doubt set in, and not living life through whatever path God has for us, but instead just sitting down and doing nothing (this wasn't all the time but on and off through out the last few weeks). We suffer in doing this and God's kingdom suffers when we stop looking for Him and being who he wants us to be. Instead, let us be what I have come to realize, and that is waiting patiently and eagerly for the time to come. Let us be waiting with excitement, not forgetting the life he has planned for us here and now, because like we know this baby will come, the truth is that Jesus will return. No matter what stage of life we are in, newborn or 101, everyday we are yet another day closer. :-)

Love Steph

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

For parents

I just finished reading Dobson's Bringing Up Girls [which I do highly recommend]. It ends with a poem that almost made me cry; thought I'd share it with you. ~Becca

A Child Loaned
by Edgar Guest
"I'll lend you for a little time
A child of mine," He said.
"For you to love the while she lives,
And mourn for when she's dead.
"It may be six or seven years
Or twenty-two or three.
But will you, till I call her back,
Take care of her for me?
"She'll bring her charms to gladden you,
And should her stay be brief,
You'll have her lovely memories
As solace for your grief.
"I cannot promise she will stay,
Since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught down there
I want this child to learn.
"I've looked this wide world over
In my search for teachers true.
And from the throngs that crowd life's lane,
I have selected you.
"Now, will you give her all your love,
And not think the labor vain?
Nor hate me when I come to call
And take her back again?
I fancied that I heard them say,
"Dear Lord, thy will be done.
For all the joy thy child shall bring,
The risk of grief we'll run.
"We'll shelter her with tenderness,
We'll love her while we may.
And for the happiness we know,
Forever grateful stay.
"But should the angels call for her
Much sooner than we planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes
And try to understand."