Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bountiful Crops...

Do you remember the movie "Speed" with Keanu Reeves? At the beginning of the movie the bomb squad is called to a bomb threat. Two guys from the squad (one being Keanu) are sent to assess the situation and while they are waiting for the green light, they start asking each other "what do you do?" scenario questions to keep their minds focused. "Hostage situation, bad guy has a hostage in arm, what do you do?" Okay, the answer to this particular question isn't important for us, but the "what do you do" scenario question is. I am going to ask you a scenario question. God grace gives you Jesus, Jesus' love for us gives you a free gift of salvation, he calls your name, "what do you do?"

Reading the other day I came across the verse "You drench the plowed ground with rain, melting the clods and leveling the ridges. You soften the earth with showers and bless its abundant crops." ~psalm 65:10 After mulling over this verse I came to the "what do you do?" scenario question. God call us to plant seeds and be disciples of the nations. Yes, he calls our name, so what do you do. We have to act on that call. "My heart has heard you say,"Come and talk with me." And my heart responds, "Lord, I am coming."" ~Psalm 27:8 Are you willing to stand up and say I am here Lord, I am coming?

In my previous post, getting your garden to grow, I talked about digging your garden deep to lay the foundation for bountiful crops. This doesn't have to be done all alone. God helps you. You just have to take those first initial steps of faith, take action to his call of your name and start digging and God will rain down on you blessings to level and soften those pesky ridges and dirt clods, preparing a healthy seed bed for his bountiful crops.

Love Steph

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