Thursday, October 9, 2008

They are Watching!

Interesting thing happened at work yesterday that reminded me that I must walk the walk that I talk. For the last couple of months I have been studying out of my NIV Bible. Yesterday for some reason I took my NKJV to work with me. Both Bibles have a black cover, while having a noticeable difference. As I was sitting at the lunchroom table reading, one of the guys on the crew came very close to me and looked at my Bible. He then makes the comment that it is different than the one that I have been reading. I said yes and explained that it was a different translation and that I liked to switch from time to time as I study to have a greater understanding of the scriptures. I would have never thought before that this guy would care about what I do at lunch or how I live my life. Yet, he noticed a very small detail in my life, I switched Bibles.

The reason I share this with you tonight is to remind us to always strive to walk the walk that we talk about in all aspects of our live since you will never know who is watching you.

God Bless,



Joce said...

Hhhmmmm! What a great reminder and such a neat story. And Thank you Rick for calling the other day to share what you'd been praying for us. It was right on!!! God is good! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Wow...What a great reminder. Thank you!