Thursday, October 25, 2007

Extraordinary Life?

One of my girlfriends was recently asked, "what's so extraordinary about your life that you would need a blog?" This question made me look up the word, just so I could answer that question.

The dictionary defines extraordinary as this-1) going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary, and 2) employed for or sent on a special function or service (an ambassador extraordinary).

Hmmm, what a wonderful thought for us all. My life before I truly knew Christ was not worth sharing with others. But the more I have grown to know Him, the more my life has gone beyond usual, regular or customary. It's pretty exciting to also think that we're employed for or sent on a special function for go and make disciples of all nations.

What a perfect spot, on a blog, to share the joys of our lives. These joys, at the root, stem from the love of our Savior. He has poured out his life for us all, and I say we pour out this love to others so they may come to know Him too.

Are you an ambassador for Christ? Does your life reflect this joy, this love, this faith that the Lord has bestowed on each of us? I hope so.

Christ is our King. The triune God. A mystery to us all, but a wonderful mystery to seek daily. He dwells in each of us.

I think that is pretty extraordinary!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed. Pretty extraordinary is life in Christ! And how I enjoy being the recipient of the sharing that goes on right here. Thank you Cammie for shining light.
Love to all, Jo