Saturday, October 6, 2007

Pulling an Amtrak

Sitting at the railroad crossing in Canby, I saw something pretty cool: an old, green train engine creeping slooowwwwly toward the crossing, blowing his musical horn over and over. Expecting a long wait for a sluggish freight train, I put on my e-brake and sat back to watch the conductor, wearing his striped hat, coming toward me. Then I noticed it wasn't a freight train at all; it was an Amtrak, being pulled along by the old engine! I'd never seen an Amtrak before that wasn't flying through town in a matter of 10 seconds. I wondered what was wrong with it, and pondered that maybe its engine had broken down, and this old conductor had agreed to rescue it by pulling it to its destination. How cool! Even the fastest train needed help. I started thinking about how we can pull others along when they are weak, and allow ourselves to be pulled when we are weak. No doubt the Amtrak will get repaired--but not without the help of the old green engine.
Lisa G.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is why we need each other and we need our church. I do not know how I would survive without my friends and my church. I will never take that for granted again.
Thanks for the reminder. Doug.