Thursday, June 19, 2008

Leaving Stephanie’s World

Zach’s email about leaving your island got me thinking about my world, “Stephanie’s world.” I am not sure if I have ever talked about my world or not. Rick is always saying that I am in “Stephanie’s world.” It is easy to be in. I work and live on our family dairy and it is easy to be isolated from the real world. In my world there is no evil people even though bad things happen just the same. A little over a week ago, I had a dream that in the face of evil I had no fear. And I stood up which is so unlike me. I felt the power of our Lord and it gave me a whole new look on the world.

While milking this afternoon and thinking about all of this I wrote this poem.

Do I want to leave my place?
Do I want to open my eyes and see?
I have been there before.
I didn’t like it.
I remember the eyes.
Those eyes are still haunting.
And I know they are still there.
My place is better…safer…brighter.
It’s darker where the eyes are.
The eyes don’t stare directly at me from my place.
They still creep in to bring sad and bad things.
But I can’t see the coldness in their stare.
Why are the eyes there?
I don’t understand.
The evil is so piercing from them.
How could such evil exist?

Why haven’t YOU come to take us away from them?
For YOU have no fear.
For YOU the eyes are nothing.
For YOU break the darkness.
For YOU are true power.
YOU give us YOU.
YOU give us power…YOUR power.

The fear is gone.
This isn’t like me.
YOU are here with me.
I can take that step.
Darkness is broken.
And with YOU the eyes are gone.

Love Steph


Anonymous said...

Amazing. Thank you! This was a much needed word of encouragement for me tonight!

Thank you Steph!


Lisa said...

wow Steph, that poem brought tears to my eyes. I could really relate to it. Even though i don't live on a farm anymore, we grew up very sheltered and i too like to exist in my little world where there is no evil. I can't do that anymore, going into Portland to work everyday. It's sad but at the same time, God triumphs over all and i am secure in Him! Thanks for sharing Steph.