Monday, January 28, 2008

Family. . . . .You ROCK!!!!

Nathan and I just wanted to say thank you to each and everyone of you that interceded on our behalf this past weekend. The story comes to mind of Moses in the desert fighting. And the Lord told him that the Israelites will win if Moses can keep his arms up the whole time. He came to a point where he just couldn't do it anymore. .. so his brother Aaron and others came to hold his arms up for him when he was unable to do it on his own. That's exactly how we felt church and you raised our arms up to Jesus for us, we had no strength, so you gathered around us, as God designed the body to function and held us up. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your obedience, your steadfastness, your faithfulness, your prayer and your love. You truly are such a blessing to our family. We love you deeply.
Jocelyn, Nathan, Elijah & Noah

1 comment:

The Elliotts said...

Our pleasure! Ultimately, the Lord came through on this one. He is truly amazing!!

Love you guys,