Wednesday, July 25, 2007

How bold are you willing to be?

“…urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to his holy people.” Jude 1:3

When I read this passage in Jude I get this feeling that I need to charge right and start defending the very blessing that He has given us. There are so many different ways to defend the faith, that often we do not see the opportunity. I get so excited when I think that He has entrusted me. I wonder if I listen to Him at all times and carry out this charge or do I pick and choose the time and place. Am I bold in this or do I get scared and not always carry out this task? When I reflect on this verse I cannot help but think about what Paul writes in Philippians.

“For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past. And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die. For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better. But if I live, I can do more fruitful work for Christ. So I really don’t know which is better. I’m torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me. But for your sakes, it is better that I continue to live.”
Philippians 1:20-24

Each time I read this, the boldness that Paul writes about amazes me and I wonder do I live my life this way? Do you live your life this way? When I read this it is though Paul is saying I do not care what you do to me because I know that what I am doing is for Christ and He will take care of me. I know that Christ will take care of me in all I do, but do I live this way? I know that as I become bolder in my faith and carry out His will I start to see other believers come together. I can only think that as we spur each other on that we will become stronger and we can make a difference. I have seen this very thing unfold at work. There was a time that I did not know any believers and as I started to share my experiences they started to come out of the woodwork. Now as I enter my workplace I know that others are praying for the organization and me. The key to all of this is listening to Him and carrying out His plan when He asks us to. I pray that all of us can and will be strong in our faith. Can we as a group live as Paul did and put all our trust in Christ? Will you be bold for Christ? I have to ask myself these questions continually and ask that you ask yourself these very things.

God Bless,


Anonymous said...

Come on God!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

How much do I pick and choose the time and place to be bold? Your words made me think hard about this question. What am I afraid of? It is easy for me to proclaim by my Lord and Savior at work and at home but elsewhere? - not to all people in all situations.

Not only do I pick and chose the time and place, but I am also selective about the what. It is easy for me to stand up to cussing and using the Lord’s name in vain. My response to people is always automatic, spontaneous and without thought. But how often do I boldly proclaim God’s glory and splendor to others in something as simple as the brisk morning air on a winter morning?

How can I fully proclaim, cultivate, and celebrate if I do not show that I own it?!? How can we lift each other up and strengthen one other if we hold back?

Bless you Rick for your words (and the swift kick).

Anonymous said...

I swiftly kicked myself today upon leaving Costco. It's one of those moments when I had a perfect opportunity to be bold and I didn't realize it until after the fact. A lady at the photo center opened up conversation with me. A couple of topics came up and I didn't take the opportunity to share with her how good God is and why I am filled with joy! If I could go back, I would. In fact, I am going to visit this lady again and pray that there will be another opportunity. Maybe she'll come to Hillside someday? Join me in praying for her, and her boyfriend. Her name is Lisa. She used to come through my line for years when I worked at Thriftway in Canby. Since then, she has befriended me at Costco. We'll see where God takes this.

Pray for the lost! Pray for boldness for all of us! Pray for the Spirit to dwell in each of us richly! In your prayers...say COME ON GOD!!!

Draw near to Him, and He WILL draw near to you...

Cammie :-)

Anonymous said...

In Christ Jesus we carry the same mantle of authority that He does. Jesus has authority over all creation, life, death, disease, and even the powers of darkness. We can lay it all on the line with confidence because what is His, is ours too. Because you have His Life, and the power of the resurection flowing through you, feel free to make declaration, not only with your life, but with your mouth too. Your tongue has the power to bring death, but even more so bring life through His truth. When you speak, speak the very words of God....He desires to liberate and revive the dead through you. Believe, Believe, Believe! He CAN do it.
